In John 17 Jesus prays for us, that’s right over 2,000 years ago Jesus prayed for us. What is it that Jesus prayed for? Joy, protection, holiness, unity and our calling.
Jesus desired for us to know JOY: “…so that they may experience My joy made full and complete and perfect within them [filling their hearts with My delight]” John 17:13 (AMP)
How wonderful! He desires us to know His joy,
His FULL joy,
His PERFECT joy,
His delight filling our hearts to overflow.
Jesus prayed for our protection: “…guard their hearts from evil” John 17:15 (TPT)
“…keep them and protect them from the evil one.” (AMP)
Jesus understood the struggles we would face and the trials we would encounter, even stating that the unbelieving world would hate us because our allegiance is no longer to this world (v 14 TPT), and so He prayed for our protection. A powerful reminder of this protection is the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) for it reminds us to be strong in the Lord. Another great reminder is 1 Peter 5:6 where we are encouraged to humble ourselves under God’s mighty power for He will exalt/honour us at the proper time.
Jesus prayed that God’s truth would make us holy: “Sanctify them in the truth [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy]; Your word is truth.” John 17:17(AMP).
This is a call to no longer be conformed to this world’s superficial values and customs as we’re progressively changed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). As we press in to know God more we can understand His will for us; His good, acceptable and perfect plans and purposes for our life.
Jesus prayed for unity: “…that they may be one just as We are one” John 17:22b (NKJV).
Jesus desired for us to become FULLY one with Him so that we can live in unity with each other, that we would be “perfected and completed into one, so that the world may know [without any doubt]” (v 23 AMP) that Jesus is who He says He is.
Our Calling
Jesus stated that He gave His life for us so that we would live our lives fully dedicated to God (v19). Just as the disciples were commissioned to represent Him we are also asked to spread Christ’s message near and far, we can do this knowing that He will assist and help us each and every step of the way (Matthew 28:18-20).
These are just some of the amazing things that Jesus prayed for us to receive. Here is a prayer you can join me in praying:
Jesus, I thank You for loving me so deeply and passionately and for being my mighty Intercessor. Thank You for giving me the Holy Spirit as an ever-present Intercessor, One who assists me to pour out my heart to You, when I don’t have the words He assists me through deep moans and groans (Romans 8:26).
I pray that I’ll experience the promised joyous delight – Your joy, Your full, complete and perfect joy. I ask for a delight that fills my heart to overflow!
I ask for Your protection from all forms of evil, let my alliance be with You always. I will no longer be conformed to this world’s superficial values and customs, NO! I’ll be transformed and progressively changed by the renewing of my mind, I’ll become spiritually mature as I focus on godly values and ethical attitudes. As I press in to know God more I’ll be able to understand His will for me, His good, acceptable and perfect plans and purposes for my life.
Thank You for the Armor of God which enables me to be strong in the Lord. Almighty God may I always humble myself under Your mighty power knowing that You’ll exalt/honour me at the proper time. Sanctify me with Your truth, set me apart for Your purposes, make me holy.
May I become FULLY one with You, Jesus, so that I can live in unity with the Trinity. Help me also to be in unity with others so that the world may know without any doubt that Jesus is Who He says He is. Let the love of Christ (a passionate unselfish sacrificial love) flow though me so that it draws others to Christ.
I endeavor to live my life fully dedicated to God, may I represent Him well to others by glorifying Father, Son and Holy Spirit here on earth as I carry God’s words in my heart AND living them out through a life that honors God.
I will chase those God dreams and complete faithfully the work that God asks me to do.
Holy Spirit help me to preach, teach, encourage, pray and whatever else I’m called to do that manifests God’s name and reveals that the Kingdom of God is here.
Help me to reveal God to those around me by boldly sharing testimonies; praying for others; encouraging and spurring others on, serving, worshiping ……….
Enable me to pass on the Message of Jesus to those I encounter, empower me to tell everyone of the Good News.
I ask for all of these things in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Many blessings, Keona
Inspired by a chapter in: Lockyer, Herbert. All the Prayers of the Bible. United States of America: Zondervan, 1959.
I studied various Scripture translations: Amplified, NKJV, NIV, NLT and The Passion Translation.