Do you ever sit and think about all that wasted time? All those hours and hours of putting one word in front of the other, only to fill notebook after notebook with forgotten thoughts and promises. Words that nobody else will hear read or see. Words that felt so hopeful and important at the time but now they are just gathering dust in one of your over-stuffed drawers.

It may feel like wasted time to you, but not to God. He has watched you write every sentence and every word, right down to each letter. He doesn’t work in the constraints of time because He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. ‘I am the Alpha and Omega, the First One and the Last One, the beginning and the end.’ Revelation 22:13

There is no ‘wasted time’ with God as you write the words that are on your heart. God has already gone ahead in time and seen the process that takes you from one paragraph to another. And as you sit and think of what to say through your words, wasting time in His presence, He tells you secrets. Secrets that only come when you waste time with Him.
All that wasted time of writing words within the pages of your notebooks and journals whisper your name. You’ve forgotten the promises God has spoken over your life, dear child. There is strength in those pages. There is a sign of courage between the sentences that you’ve left in the drawer. And God is asking you, dear friend, if you would come again and sit. Sit and waste time with Him again. He longs to whisper His secrets to your heart. He yearns for you to read the words He gave to you so long ago that speak the truth and give light in the darkness. A truth that needs to be heard again above the noise.

Don’t believe the lie that spending time in God’s presence and writing the whispers of your heart is wasted time. Nothing is ever wasted with God. Life demands your attention and time, but God will never demand you to come and sit at His feet. Don’t be like Martha, who was angry at her sister Mary because there was so much to do in preparing for everyone and all she was doing was wasting time just sitting at Jesus’ feet.
“Oh Martha, Martha, you are so anxious and concerned about a million details, but really, only one thing matters. Mary has chosen that one thing, and I won’t take it away from her.’ Luke 11:41-42
Concerned and anxious about a million details? Sounds about right, doesn’t it? So, go ahead, you have my permission to go and sit. Sit and waste some time with God and start writing. Don’t write safe, activate your words, experience the emotion again and move your story forward. Feel God’s presence in a real and deep way when you waste your time with Him.
Wendy xo
What have you written in a notebook or journal when you’ve ‘wasted time’ with God that you’ve forgotten about?
What an interesting perspective! I have notebook upon notebook on my shelf, filled with all sorts of musings and have often wondered, ‘What’s the point?’
Thanks so much for reminding me that it’s not all about producing and often more about connecting with God and what he’s saying to me. ❤️