This interview is part of a series, introducing the members of Australisian Christian Writers, to give you the opportunity to get to know us a little better. Today we’re interviewing Lays Halawe. Welcome, Lays!
Fast Five
Long black or flat white?
Long black. Why ruin a good coffee with milk?
Mangoes or kiwifruit?
Cricket or rugby?
Rugby. Watching cricket just hurts my brain.
Books or TV?
Sun or snow?
Sun, sun, sun!
Getting to Know Lays Halawe
What’s something interesting or unusual about you that not everyone knows?
I don’t know how to ride a bike. The first time I attempted to ride a bike I crashed into the washing line in the backyard (my brother and his buddy were pushing me around our backyard!) I promptly got up off the floor, yelled at my brother and ran away to the laughter of my brother and his friend.
Where are you from?
Sydney, NSW
What is your town or city most famous (or infamous) for?
The Opera House, Harbour Bridge and being insanely expensive.
What books are set in your town/city?
About Your Writing
What do you write?
Mainly Christian devotionals, Christian non-fiction and a blog.
Who or what are your main writing influences?
Ann Voskamp, Lysa TerKeurst or two of the biggest influences when it comes to my blogging and writing non-fiction, and Kimberly Rae Jordan for fiction (even though I don’t write fiction. But if I did, she would be the inspiration). The two biggest influences behind my writing are one, my belief that our identity is found in Christ and when we really encounter Jesus and get a hold of that truth, there is a beautiful change that occurs within. And two, my own experiences since becoming a Christian – both good and bad – which birthed a desire in me to encourage others to live out their faith with more vulnerability and openness.
Do you have any books published?
Yes, I self-published a short devotional called Love By Devotion.
How long have you been writing?
At a guess, around 8-9 years writing for myself, 6 years posting and publishing what I write
What inspired you to start writing?
From the very beginning writing for me has been driven by God. A few years ago my dad got diagnosed with cancer and being the control freak that I am, I needed something to do (that I could control completely, because you know, control freak) during the treatment and recovery process, so I sat down one night and asked God what to and that’s when my blog Looking In was birthed. From the moment I started writing it, I felt, and still feel, that God wants me to use my words to point people to Him, and so I try to keep most of my writing as Christ centred as possible.
What’s your favourite part of the writing process?
Processing internally as I write. A lot of my writing is vulnerable, which is hard at times, but I find that as I write, it at times is very healing for me.
What’s your biggest writing challenge?
Being vulnerable. I once wrote a really honest and deeply vulnerable blog while I was caring for my mother and after I published it, I was criticised for being too honest and making my faith look weak. It was tough to hear and made me question whether or not I should be writing at all. I recovered from that and have kept writing however I still wrestle with how vulnerable and honest to be. It’s hard to put all your emotions out there knowing that you are giving people a window into your heart and soul, but I really do believe that that is what God wants of me, so I just keep trying to be faithful and obedient.
How does your faith impact your writing?
It is the reason I write. I know the way that I have changed, inside and out, since giving my life to Jesus and I want others to experience the freedom and joy that comes from that. I also want people to know that life with Jesus isn’t all unicorns and rainbows and candy but real and at times really hard. Life can still be rough and heartbreaking but through Jesus, we can have peace through the trials and the joys.
Enjoyed getting to know you more, Lays! (I have to ask you about where your name originated from – it’s pretty and unusual!)
Thanks Carolyn! And my actual name, Leila, is Lebanese, and Lays was a nickname I picked up years ago and it’s stuck ever since 😊
Great to hear your story.
Will have to work on your knowledge of books set in Sydney. Kel Richards has several detective novels. My two – Grace in strange disguise and Grace in the Shadows. Kara Isaac has at least one.
Thanks Christine! And yes, will definitely need to get my knowledge on Sydney set books 😣 thanks for the recommendations!
Lol, Lays, I thought your big Um…. was a ‘how do I pick just one book because it’s Sydney!!!’ 😉
PS. Iola chose this question because she can talk about the cool Hairy Maclary from Donaldson Dairy. Whereas I’m thinking do people really want to hear about any of the political books set in Canberra?!? Lol. (I’m still working on my answer to that question) 🙂
Haha Narelle! I was tempted to google it but decided against it 😂
And with the way our parliament runs, it may make a good story! Lol
The Harp in the South!!! Ruth Park is one of my all time favourite historical fiction authors. Loved her early 20th Century books set in Sydney. And yes, the circus down here has entertaining moments, lol. 🙂
I actually saw that question in another author interview and thought it would be a good question for us, given we want to tell people about books written by and set in Australia and New Zealand. 🙂
When I was learning to ride a bike dad use to hold and I would pedal. The first time he let go I did really well except I didn’t know how to turn and rode straight into the wood pile and landed on the wood. It didn’t stop me I loved riding. I was 8 when I first started learning. I am sorry cricket hurts your brain. I don’t understand rugby. (hence you are looking at a cricket tragic you know the one who use to get to the gates an hour or two before the gates open for a test match to then wait up to 3 hours for the game to start made for some really long days but I wouldn’t change it for anything just wish I could handle the noise and still go albeit a little later).
I wish I had your determination as a kid, Jenny! I think my ego was bruised more than anything else! And haha at being a cricket tragic. I understand that, I used to be a wrestling tragic and would stay up til 2am to watch it with my dad and brother (back when it was WWF!)
I’ve been so encouraged by these 2 things:
1. Be authentic,
I love that you’re vulnerable and honest. Please keep being that because the people who connect with it, really connect.
2. Don’t change your voice,
God has given us each a unique voice. Keep being the you that God has created you to be.
Thanks for sharing. Blessings xx
Keona, thank you so much for the encouragement. I really appreciate it xxx