Author Interview
Nicole Zoch is our guest on our blog today. Welcome Nicole. We are going to learn more about Nicole and what makes her tick. Nicole is also giving away an autographed copy of Having Faith.
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I live in country Victoria with my husband Jamie and three children, Faith, Joel and Levi. Jamie and I own and operate a domestic and commercial building company as well as manage our pine plantation on the outskirts of Woodend in the Macedon Ranges. I also work part time at our local Baptist church as the Office Manager and Creative Team Leader.
After deciding to go down the Indie publishing route for my current book, Having Faith, I saw a gap in the market to support and assist first time self-publishing Australian Authors, such as myself. In light of this, I have recently set-up a self-publishing house, Lionize Press, for the very purpose of assisting Indie Authors in their self-publishing pursuit.
Apart from my work and ministry life, I also love hanging out with my family and friends; I love shopping, all things Jane Austen, anything Parisian, movies (especially a good rom-com), overseas travel (particularly to Europe), beach time, reading… oh and coffee – I love coffee!
2. When you were a child did you have a favourite book or books?
I loved Enid Blyton books … so The Magic Faraway Tree and Famous Five books were definitely on the top shelf.
3. Outside reading and writing what do you like to do?
I love to just potter around my home, whether inside or out. I especially enjoy the summer months when the weather lends itself to outdoor living. There’s something magical about watching kids having fun in the great outdoors! I also love to go for walks. It is whilst I am walking that most of my writing ideas come to life.
4. Do you have a place you love to visit or would love to visit?
I love Paris. Having only spent a week and a bit there a few years ago, I’d definitely love to explore it more.
5. If you could have a meal with 3 living people who would you choose and why?
I would love to have a meal with Darlene Zschech, Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer. All three of these women have influenced my Christian walk through their writings, teaching and worship expression. They are remarkable women of Faith and I would love to hear their stories in person.
6. When did you know you wanted to write this book?
It was the year 2004 when I began the process of penning my Faith journey, and researching the women of the Bible who were considered ‘barren’. At the time I began to journal, I wrote only as a projection of future things to come. I had not yet conceived, and so my writing about my 9-year Faith journey to have a baby was in fact a faith story in and of itself. I had no absolution that what I was writing would actually come to fruition.
7. How did you go about writing your story?
I actually had no experience in writing whatsoever. I just knew that my story was one that could offer hope and encouragement to others going through their own faith-journey, and so I knew it needed to be told. Initially I simply diarised the years I had journeyed through infertility, and the lessons and principles I had learnt along the way. I researched everything I could on what the Bible has to say on the matter of infertility. It was actually a very cathartic experience for me.
When, eventually, I had a first draft ready to be edited, I was fortunate to partner with a wonderful Editor, (and an award winning Author in her own right). Jeanette Windle became integral in bringing the best out of my writing. In particular she taught me the importance of a back story and how to weave it through my storyline.
8. What do you hope readers get out of this book?
A message of hope. My prayer is that others who are going through a journey of faith, whatever that looks like for them, will find comfort and hope through my testimony. If my Readers come to know the everlasting love and faithfulness of our adoring Father in Heaven through my own personal Faith journey, I will have accomplished what I set out to do.
9. Finally can you tell us about your latest release. Where can buy the book and where can we find you on the web?
Having Faith is a love story between an ordinary Aussie girl and her extraordinary Father in Heaven. It is a story of God’s boundless love and steadfast faithfulness; a testimony of God teaching and refining one woman’s Faith-walk through a long and heartbreaking nine-year infertility journey. It is a story of God healing and restoring every area in my life that was broken. From personal and matrimonial healing to spiritual rebuilding, God wrought restoration, victory and freedom. And from there God granted me the desires of my heart: motherhood. Though Having Faith is my story, it is without a doubt, Jesus’ victory!
Having Faith can be purchased through Koorong, Amazon and all leading online stores. Or for a personalised copy, I can be contacted through my Author Page or via social media – Instagram or Facebook.
Nicole has offered to give an autograph of Having Faith to one person who comments on this post by June 7. The Winner will be announced in the June Latest Releases.
Thanks SO much for sharing! So inspiring.
Blessings x
Thanks for stopping by Keona.
Thank you Keona. Many blessings to you too xx
The first Famous Five book I read was in Grade five or six, and was about ponies so I was a fan. The next Famous Five book was something about heading off in a row boat. Hmmm, disappointed. What about the ponies? That was the last Famous Five book I read. Ha haaa! (Give me pony stories any day). I eventually got my own pony! Yaaaayy 😀 – when I was in my mid twenties! Oh well, better late than never.
I was a huge Enid Blyton fan too. In grade 6 we use to share books (The teacher had a system) So I got to read all the Secret Seven and Famous Five books although after reading the Famous Five the Secret Seven wasn’t the same. Thanks for dropping by.
I was a huge Enid Blyton fan. I LOVED the Magic Faraway series along with Mr Gilliano’s Circus and The Naughtiest Girl at school series. She had a way of writing for the very young to Teens. I remember a couple of books that were short stories about pixies and fairies that I also loved and of course Noddy.
Thanks for coming today.
I’m another Enid Blyton fan 🙂 The Famous Five were my favourite, although I also enjoyed her boarding school stories (e.g. Mallory Towers).
Congratulations on the publication of your book. Jeanette Windle is a great author, and I’m sure working with her was a wonderful experience.
It was wonderful working with Jeanette. I don’t think Having Faith would be what it is today under any other Editor. She taught me so much throughout the writing process. I feel very blessed to have worked with such a writer as she!
Having had my own rocky road to motherhood, I’m sure this story is one that I can relate to and find encouragement and comfort in. I’m off to Amazon to see what I can find. Thanks Nicole for sharing some of yourself, and thanks Jenny for another interesting interview!
Thank you Penny, I’m so sorry to hear you had a rocky start to motherhood too. Infertility affects so many and my heart breaks for those who are going through such a journey. Though every faith-walk is unique to every individual, my prayer is that through my testimony, others will receive hope and support along the way. I pray, whatever faith-walk you may be on currently, that my book will encourage you deeper into our Fathers arms! In God’s grace and thanks, Nicole xx
Wow, your book sounds so inspiring , I love the cover also. If we all had faith like the mustard seed it would be an awesome world! Looking forward to reading your awesome book. God Bless you.
Thank you Alicia, I love the cover too! Especially as it’s my daughter, Faith who graces it!!! I hope you enjoy my faith story if you get the chance to read it. Love and blessings, Nicole xx
Great interview and sounds like Having Faith is a story that will encourage many. Well done, Nicole.
Thanks so much Elaine. Many blessings to you xx
Nicole, I hope to read this inspirational book soon. The little girl in question is my BFF’s granddaughter. I am currently on my own journey to finding Jesus, and love to read about beautiful Christian women such as yourself. I have recently studied the women of the Bible and have been inspired by their stories. Nicole, if I’m not a winner, where can I purchase your book?
Oh Jude, how beautiful to be on a Faith-journey of your own. Exciting times! I would love you to read my story. If you don’t win a copy here, you can click on the Koorong or Amazon links in this interview and purchase a copy direct through them. Alternatively I can send you a signed copy if you PM me your address. Your life-long friendship with my mother-in-law has always been inspiring to me. So precious xx
Hi Nicole, My apologies for being very late in commenting. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story and writing journey with us. I’m also an Enid Blyton and Jeanette Windle fan. Thanks again for visiting with us at ACW. 🙂
Blessings Narelle! And yes it was your name Jeanette originally gave to me regarding ACW! Have a wonderful day xx