Writers Life | Using Cinematic Techniques as You Write

Most writers have a collection of books on the writing craft. A few are treasures, filled with gems of writerly wisdom that had a profound impact on how we write or market our books. Some are valuable tools with lists and instructions that make our writing task easier. Others are somewhat helpful, containing the occasional …

Regardless of Genre, We’re All World-Builders

When you see a post about world-building by an author, what comes to mind? Fantasy? Science fiction? Dystopian? We’d all agree creators of these kinds of stories build fictional worlds very different from “real life.” It’s the quality of their world-building that makes what might seem unlikely feel believable as we read. Every author is …

Author Interview: Carol Ashby

Today we’re interviewing Carol Ashby, who will be joining our group of frequent contributors to the ACW blog. Fast Five Kiwis or koalas? Kiwis since I love watching birds, but koalas are cute enough it’s a hard choice. Can I choose cockatoos instead? I used to breed budgies and cockatiels, and I had a blue-fronted …