Writers Life | Writing in series – the whys and hows

When you think of fiction, almost immediately book series come to mind. Whether it was Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie books, or  Agatha Christies’ Hercule Poirot detective stories, or Harry Potter. Series grip readers’ minds and are much easier to market. One of the difficulties nowadays with traditional publishing is that many …

Introducing Christine Dillon

Fast Five Kiwis or koalas? Kiwis – they’re rarer and I love birdwatching. I have never seen a wild one. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes – I grew up in Asia. I do like Kiwifruit too – after all they’re Chinese gooseberries originally. Hobbits or Mad Max? Definitely Hobbits. Lord of the Rings is one of …