Wednesday Writing Wins from ACFW Beyond the Borders

The Beyond the Borders zone of American Christian Fiction Writers is the home of international Christian writers, and includes many Australian and New Zealand members. American Christian Fiction Writers is a writing organisation devoted to improving the craft of Christian Fiction. Members can benefit from: Online critique groups, writing training, and webinars. Discounted entry to the …

Omega Writers | Calling Unpublished Authors!

Calling Unpublished Authors! The 2023 CALEB Award will open for entries in April 2023. This year’s award will welcome entries in the following categories: Unpublished Adult Fiction Unpublished Young Adult Fiction Unpublished Adult/Young Adult Nonfiction Omega Writers created the CALEB Unpublished contest to support and encourage unpublished writers towards the pursuit and achievement of excellence. …

Happy New Year from Omega Writers!

Welcome to 2023! Omega Writers has lots planned for 2023 … with more ideas in the pipeline. Make sure you don’t miss out on any important information by signing up as a member of Omega Writers. Click here to find out more. The 2023 CALEB Award The 2023 CALEB Awards will be for unpublished writers …

Fiction Friday | All the Lost Places by Amanda Dykes

All the Lost Places is a dual timeline novel made more complex by the fact the past timeline (1807) is partly quotes from a series of children’s books and partly narrative, with a very blurred line between what is part of the fictional stories and what is part of this story. In the past timeline …

Omega Writers | A Christmas Message from Penny Reeve

I don’t know about you, but this year seems to have flown by in a flurry of busyness and exhaustion. Somehow, we have made it to December. Christmas is settling in to be noticed and the New Year is peeking around the corner and inviting us to wonder. Looking back, it’s easy to see that …

Guest Post | Precious Whispers – The Aftermath by Marie-Rose Fox (and Giveaway)

In my first book, Hidden Thorns, I related my heart-wrenching story of losing my only daughter to domestic violence and my journey from bitterness and anger to God’s sweet peace, emotional healing, and forgiveness for my daughter’s killer. But my journey didn’t stop there, and this is what this conversation is about. Tell me: What …

Guest Post | Don’t Miss the Journey by Cindy Janecka

Think back to a time when you were on a road trip. Did your family get on the road and head toward a destination only making minimal, if any, stops? Was the primary goal to arrive at a particular time as scheduled? Kids are hungry? Too bad. Need to stop to use the toilet? You’ll …

Author Interview | Introducing Dienece Darling

Today we’re introducing a new blogger to Australasian Christian Writers: Dienece Darling. Welcome, Dienece! Fast Five Kiwis or koalas? Koalas. They bring back special, childhood memories of going to the local sanctuary in Hervey Bay, Queensland with my family. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mango lassi! My sister’s mother-in-law grew up in Pakistan, and she got me …

What’s New From Members of ACFW Beyond the Borders

The Beyond the Borders zone of American Christian Fiction Writers is the home of international Christian writers, and includes many Australian and New Zealand members. American Christian Fiction Writers is a writing organisation devoted to improving the craft of Christian Fiction. Members can benefit from: Online critique groups, writing training, and webinars. Discounted entry to the …

2022 Omega Writers Conference Roundup

Last weekend, around 80 Christian writers converged at Peppers Kingscliff, New South Wales, for a weekend of writing craft, connections, and Christ. Around half hadn’t attended before, so it was great to meet lots of new people! Adele Jones and Andrea Grigg In our final host group meeting, we talked about what we’d each got …