June News from Omega Writers: Australia’s Christian Writers Network

Save the Date: Omega Writers online retreat program shapes up! In the years between in-person conferences, Omega Writers hosts online retreats, featuring guest speakers, breakout rooms and closing with the CALEB Awards ceremony for our unpublished competition. We are so excited with how our 2023 program is shaping up! We are thrilled to reveal that …

2023 CALEB Awards are Open for Entries

It’s time for the 2023 CALEB Awards from Omega Writers. CALEB stands for Christian Authors Lifting Each other’s Books. The CALEB Award: Supports excellence in Australasian Christian books by encouraging and educating writers, regardless of genre. Encourages excellence in Australasian Christian books by recognising and rewarding our best writers across a range of genres. The CALEB …

#ThrowbackThursday | The Symbolism of the Colour Purple

One of my Facebook friends recently posted a video of Blackadder actor Tony Robinson in his series, The Worst Jobs in History. I somehow missed the TV series, but the videos are awesome. Anyway, the video I watched was about the makers of purple—the dye. Purple is often mentioned in the Bible. Exodus tells us …

Author Interview | Introducing J.J. Fischer

Today I’m interviewing Australian author J.J. Fischer (Jasmine). I read her Young Adult fantasy, Calor, last year, and was impressed … particularly as I’ve often said I’m not a fan of fantasy. Welcome, Jasmine! Fast Five (plus four) We started by asking Jasmine to answer some quick-fire questions on all the big issues in life …

#Throwback Thursday | Introducing Hannah Currie

Today I’m resharing an interview with Australian author Hannah Currie. Hannah’s fifth novel, the second book in her Crown of Promise series, will release later this year. Introducing Hannah Currie Where are you from? (Or where do you live?) Brisbane, Australia. Born, raised, and still living here. If you had an unlimited travel budget, which …

My Word for 2023: Less

Happy New Year! It’s the time of year when many people resolve to implement new habits to improve themselves. We resolve to lose weight, exercise more, eat better. If we’re Christians, we resolve to read the Bible more or pray more or be more involved in church. More, more, more. We live in a society …

What’s New from Omega Writers

Ever wanted to write for the US market? The USA is the biggest market for Christian fiction, and the home of well-known Christian publishers such as Bethany House, Tyndale, and Thomas Nelson. Carolyn Miller lead an excellent session on writing for the US market at the recent Omega Writers Conference. If you missed out, you …

Fiction Friday | The Upwelling by Lystra Rose

When Kirra turned sixteen, the strange dreams began, the dreams that come true. Her counsellor calls them coincidences, but Kirra isn’t so sure … especially when her latest dream is about the world being destroyed. Soon. Narn’s life should be simple. He’ll take over his father’s role as dolphin caller. He’ll be joined with Tarni. …

#Throwback Thursday | On Antiques, Gifts, and Talents

This post first appeared at International Christian Fiction Writers on 20 June 2017. Paeroa is a small town not far from where I live. It has two claims to fame. It’s the home of L&P, our national soft drink which is World Famous in New Zealand. (I wrote a blog post explaining the history of …

What’s New from Omega Writers | July 2022

Omega Writers Conference Today is 18 July, which means the earlybird pricing for the 2022 Omega Writers Conference ends tonight at 11:59pm NSW and Queensland time. Click here to register now to save $50.  Remember, members get a discount on their conference registration fee. You can find the discount code in the members-only section of …