Fiction Friday | Introducing Sharon Manssen and The Realm Trilogy

Today I’m interviewing local Tauranga author Sharon Manssen, who writes Young Adult Fantasy as SR Manssen. Welcome, Sharon! Let’s start with a few quick questions by way of introduction. Long black or flat white?  Flat white. Trim. Double shot, extra hot. Kiwis or koalas? Kiwis. (Good, says this Kiwi.) Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes (lived in Thailand …

Author Interview | Introducing Kerri Price

Today we’re interviewing Kerri Price, a New Zealand author, about her latest release. Welcome, Kerri! Fast Five First up, five quick questions … Long black or flat white? Neither. Although I am mildly addicted to Diet Coke and Energy Drinks. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Definitely kiwifruit. (That’s good to hear!) Cricket or rugby? Rugby. Books or …

Book Review | Blogging for God’s Glory in a Clickbait World by Benjamin Vrbicek and John Beeson

As the title suggests, this is a book about blogging as a Christian in a world that seems to rate sensationalism over truth and quantity over quality. The two authors provide a compelling case for more purposeful blogging from Christians. Neither is a megablogger. Instead, they are both average people, like you and me. They …

Fiction Friday | Apprentice (Collective Underground #1) by Kristen Young

My first introduction to Kristen Young was when she won the CALEB Award from Australasian Christian writing organisation Omega Writers. I had donated a free manuscript assessment as the prize, so got to read and critique Kristen’s entry. I was thrilled to find it was dystopian fiction. I’ve been a fan of dystopian fiction since …

Omega Writers: CALEB Award Night Update

We are almost on the home straight for the 2020 CALEB Awards. The final-round judges are working their way through the entries. Scores are due back on 30 September, so it’s not long to go now before we have winners in our three categories: Unpublished Adult Fiction Unpublished Young Adult Fiction Unpublished Nonfiction CALEB Awards …

Fiction Friday | The Woman in the Green Dress by Tea Cooper

The Woman in the Green Dress was initially published in Australia and has now been republished by Thomas Nelson, an imprint of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. I can’t say there was anything overtly Christian about the novel—there was definitely no clear faith element. There was no bad language, sex, or violence, and there was a disgust …

Omega Writers | Five Tips for Dealing With Feedback

Omega Writers have recently announced the finalists in the 2020 CALEB Award. The finalists had a week to revise their entries based on the first-round feedback, and submit their full manuscript. These are now with the final-round judges, and we will announce the winners in October. Those who didn’t final will also receive the feedback …

Omega Writers Announce the 2020 CALEB Award Finalists

Like so much of what has happened this year, the 2020 CALEB Award hasn’t gone according to plan. Our past practice has been to have a combination of published and unpublished categories in the Award each year, and to announce the winners at the annual Omega Writers Conference. Well, between fires, disease, and murder hornets, …

Book Review | Write Better by Andrew T LePeau

Write Better had some ideas I disliked or disagreed with. Le Peau even appeared to contradict himself on a couple of points. But it’s definitely a book worth reading, because the good far outweighs the less good. I found three main faults with the book. First, Le Peau points out the importance of a great …

Author Interview | Introducing Lindsay Harrel and The Joy of Falling

Today I’m interviewing Lindsay Harrel, author of The Joy of Falling, which is partly set in New Zealand. Welcome, Lindsay! The Joy of Falling is about the story of two sisters in law, Eve and Angela, recovering from their grief after their husbands (brothers Wesley and Brent) died in a diving accident. What inspired you …