Devotional | Truly, truly

This year saw the release of many wonderful books, among them Lynne Stringer’s Keeper of the Archives. Lynne is fantastic at world-building, characterisation and plot. A fascinating YA read, she posed the question: what if you could truly read everyone you met? Buy this amazing book here! This, of course, got me overthinking in directions …

Devotional | Harping On

Will Heaven be boring? Nobody really knows! Those qualified by Christ are invited, in the end, to ‘enter into your rest!’ The secular world likes to depict Heaven as a region of white fluffy clouds, with chubby winged babies providing a harp soundtrack. There is a lot of confusion (or wishful thinking) out there about …

Devotional | A Little Something

‘It’s okay to be small,’ He whispered to my soul. And He wasn’t talking about my 5’1½”. We were in ‘therapy,’ which is the completely accurate name I give to receiving trained prayer ministry as a mutual adjunct to psychology. These wonderful folk use a specific framework to isolate the origins of spiritual problems, as …

Devotional | The Incarnational *ADVENT*ure

There’s something about Christmas. People from all walks of life suddenly start decorating their homes garishly, wearing garments they would otherwise never dream of endorsing, putting trees inside their houses instead of outside where they belong, singing in public, and making plans to cook a very specific set of foods. A whole host of traditions, coming …

Devotional | Old Books, Old Hooks

What do we do when an author we loved gets ‘cancelled’? It can be difficult to know how to process these things. We quoted them, and we find that 90% of what they said was profound, while 10% was profane. Or they let us down by falling off the righteousness wagon, and we feel personally …

DEVOTIONAL – Where does my help come from?

It appears to be a given that every writer wrestles with self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and a sense of inadequacy. The blank screen dares us to be outstanding, while our half-formed notions mill about chaotically to the point where even housework looks like an inviting alternative. Been there? You’re not alone. Not even this minute. 2 …

Devotional | The Care Scare

We will never run out of things to care about. One glance at the internet, particularly if you run in certain circles, will bombard you with things that urgently need your prayers, your attention, your energy, your money. A great number of them are truly worthy. Like a deer in headlights, a sensitive person is …