Clearing Out The Clutter

A few years ago, I decided I would become a minimalist. Inspired one evening after watching a Netflix documentary about how to live a simplistic and minimal lifestyle. I eyed up, and stared down every object, every article of clothing and each gizmo we had collected and accumulated over the years because this mamma bear …

Somewhere You’ve Not Been Before

Perhaps this year you’ve decided that you’re going to diligently stick to the known path you’ve always been on because that’s where you feel safest. Your reasoning is that you’ve realised that dream, that call, that purpose you constantly think about has only led you down dead ends and diversions and there is no point …

Busyness Gives Us Nothing

What message has God wanted to tell you lately but you’ve been too busy to stop and take the time to listen to Him? It’s crazy, but we give all our attention to busyness and what does busyness give us in return? I’ll tell you, absolutely nothing. That’s right, zip, narder, diddly squat.  Busyness is like a …

A Different Kind Of Person

Nehemiah. Well known for being the great leader with a great vision who rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls in the Old Testament. Reading this story, we tend to get swept away by the political, social, and religious interaction between Tobias and Sanballat, who are opposed to the restoration of Jerusalem’s people. Not willing to let up on …

The Red Blanket Strategy Of Discontent

Did you know that a matador uses a red blanket called a muleta to distract a bull in the final stages of the fight? This distraction of a red blanket hanging from a stick is only used as a diversion to cover up and obscure the bullfighter’s sword. Like the bull, we as believers can …

Follow The Last Instruction

It happened just as I was waking up. An audible voice inside my head clearly said, “Follow the last instruction”. I wasn’t quite fully awake, and I wondered if I was still dreaming, still dozing as I listened to the still, small voice. Follow the last instruction? What did that mean? It made absolutely no …