It’s Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.
Today’s question is:
What is your favourite setting to read about?
Um, all of them?
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group. Or, if you’re feeling wordy (like me), write a blog post and link to it in the comments.
Let’s chat!
Iola Goulton is a New Zealand book reviewer, freelance editor, and author, writing contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi twist. Iola lives in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand (not far from Hobbiton) with her husband, two teenagers and one cat.
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Sigh! What about Regency era not in the court or the Ton?
I need to clarify I guess I need a new name for it. I don’t like English era books that are mostly about the Ton and their selfishness and the over indulgence etc.
Books that are set in the country or about the normal people are ok. I have read a few books featuring a governess or nanny which have been really good reads. I have read others where the upperclass were well grounded.
I think what turned me off some of the books was one where the Men were so self absorbed and behaved so badly to the women and also to the lower class people that I just didn’t like it.
in saying this one of my favourite movies and then series is actually The Scarlet Pimpernel and its because although as his title Percy was a fool he had a secret side which was to save the Innocent upper class of France. So I guess I don’t dis like all Regencies its just a small element. I will make sure I clarify better in future.
I also dislike a lot of chick lits.
I love The Scarlet Pimpernel! He was such a fop, then you found out he was really brave and clever, and had strong principles. I liked that.
I do agree that I’m not a fan of books about selfish, over-indulgent people … and there seem to be a lot of those people in Regency books. I haven’t read any of the billionaire books which are currently all the rage, and they probably use some of the same tropes but in a contemporary setting. Fortunately, most Regencies now feature nicer characters, especially as the hero and heroine (there are still books with selfish characters, but they tend to get the ending they deserve :))
I love the Regency era – especially books about the court or the Ton 🙂
This is a really hard one as I like so many. I really love books set on the Oregon Trail. I love reading about the pioneering spirit. I enjoy other settings too. I love learning about Australia history. I enjoy navel books (Think Hornblower). I love reading about the American Civil War especially if its done well and is accurate. Its a war that should have ended after the first battle but lasted 4 years.
I prefer contemporary books set in country or smaller cities.
You’re right about the American Civil War! And you’re also right about accuracy. I definitely want historical fiction to be accurate. I’d like to read more books set in Australia and New Zealand.
Its one reason I loved Gilbert Morris’s books he gave so much history with the story. He also told the story of the war. I read one book that featured a Women from both sides of the war and there was a romance in it and it did mention the hardships but basically glossed over the war and while some would be ok with that I felt left down cos it really didn’t talk about the war. It could had told more about how they had to try to survive due to the lack of food and supplies due to being raided but this was all glossed over.
I remember reading a book about missionaries in early days going to New Zealand and it was really interesting. The same author wrote a book about early times in Australia and the missionary work.
I don’t suppose you remember the name of the New Zealand book, do you? I’d be interested in that.
I will read just about anything, however I love historical fiction and Contemporary Romantic Suspense. I also love Mystery Crime thrillers with a healthy dose of clean romance. I just discovered Kara Issac’s books and also Terri Blackstock’s ‘If I Run’ series … oh my! I’m addicted.
You’re lucky that you’ve only discovered the If I Run series after the last book has been published – I had to wait two whole years to find out what happened!
I’m chiming in late on this discussion. I like variety in book settings and enjoy arm chair traveling to different locations (both real and fictional). Aussie settings are, of course, a favourite of mine. 🙂