Narelle here. Today I’m sharing with you my book recommendation for Organized Backup (Luella Linley: License to Meddle Book 1) by Aussie author Meredith Resce.

Book Description:
Regency romance author, Luella Linley, arranges her characters’ lives, making sure that they weather all storms and live happily-ever-after. Her characters are putty in her hands, but her 21st Century adult children are not so easily organized. When her daughter, Megan, asks for support with an inappropriate situation at work, Luella decides Megan should get a boyfriend to intimidate her boss. The cop who just pulled Luella over for speeding is a likely candidate.
Cam Fletcher is expecting to be interviewed by a famous author. Instead of sharing insights into his job working in the police force, he is sharing a meal with the famous author and her daughter, Megan. When left alone with Megan, Cam wonders when the interview will begin. The parents’ extended absence gives him a clue, which Megan confirms. Luella Linley is playing matchmaker, but is he willing to play the game?
Narelle’s Thoughts:
I really enjoyed reading Organized Backup. The ‘star’ of the story, who can’t resist stealing the limelight, is the delightful Luella Linley. A successful romance author with an overactive imagination, Luella Linley has the best of intentions…and can’t understand why her children don’t appreciate her talent for matchmaking. A fake engagement, a daughter in trouble, and a handsome policeman playing the hero—what could possibly go wrong?
Megan and her siblings have learned to manage their mother when she attempts to push boundaries and forgets her children are not characters in her books. Megan also has work issues due to her sleazy boss, and she appreciates Cam’s help and support because she’s stuck in a difficult situation. Cam is an adorable hero who is more than willing to rescue Megan and pretend he’s the doting boyfriend. Until it’s not pretend anymore for either Megan or Cam…
I read romance to escape into a great story and sometimes I’ll learn something along the way. I empathised with Megan and her struggles at work. Sexual harassment in the workplace is an issue that shouldn’t be ignored. The uneven power balance in the employer and employee relationship is a big problem at Megan’s workplace in a small office in Adelaide, South Australia. Megan feels trapped and pressured to submit to her employer’s unreasonable demands because she has a mortgage and bills to pay. If she resigns, it may not be easy to find another job. Why should she have to resign and lose her job when she hasn’t done anything wrong?
This funny and charming romantic comedy from Meredith Resce that also touches on the more serious issues of faith and workplace relations will put a smile on your face and give you food for thought. Highly recommended.
I’d just read a couple of heavy books before this one, so it was a delight to read something fun. But I also liked the fact that there were some serious threads underneath regarding workplace bullying and harassment. If anyone was going through such a situation at work, they would find hope in this book. A good balance of fun rom-com and food for thought.
Thanks Nola.
Hi Nola, yes, I appreciated the research Meredith undertook to include the workplace bully and harassment thread in the story. It’s a helpful book for readers looking to understand the issues that too many people confront in their workplaces. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Thanks, Narelle, for writing this review. I appreciate your support.
Hi Meredith, You’re very welcome 😊