Narelle here. Today I’m sharing with you my book recommendation for Restoring Fairhaven: Merriweather Island (Independence Islands Book 6) by Aussie author Carolyn Miller.
Book Description:
Samantha Green of Greener Gardens gets more than she bargained for when she is employed to restore the overgrown gardens of the estate owned by a reclusive writer, whose romances about unrequited love have become bestsellers and movies, despite never having a happy ending. New to this role, Sam is determined to succeed, despite facing challenges with the business and her family.
Max Fairhaven just wants to be left alone. But the green-thumbed intruder to his island hideaway is stubborn, and her quick wits and sunny disposition soon get under his skin. Between banter and garden renovation she gradually brings some much needed life to this widower, as he begins to engage with the real world.
Can happily-ever-afters be found in real life as well as fiction?
Narelle’s Thoughts:
I really enjoyed reading Restoring Fairhaven and escaping to the gorgeous Carolinas island setting. Carolyn Miller is known for her regency romance series, and her first published Christian contemporary romance includes story elements that will delight her regency romance fans.
Max Fairhaven is a proper English gentleman who has hidden away from the world and poured his melancholy into his best selling fiction books. His assistant employs Samantha Green to restore the Fairhaven gardens to their former glory. The hard working gardening contractor disrupts Max’s insular world and inspires him to evaluate his life choices.
Samantha’s father has health issues and she’s doing her best to keep the family business afloat. She needs the Fairhaven project to be a success, despite Max’s misgivings about the transformation of his home.
Drawing on the beauty and the beast fairytale, a fun, sweet and faith-filled romance develops into something more than friends. Max and Samantha negotiate many obstacles and embarrassing moments on their journey to happily-ever-after. Highly recommended.
Giveaway of Restoring Fairhaven
Carolyn has offered to giveaway an ebook copy of Restoring Fairhaven to someone who comments on either today’s post or tomorrow’s author interview post with Carolyn. The giveaway will be open till 18 December. Subject to our giveaway guidelines.
I have read the book and loved it. I like to do gardening and growing some flowers. this year have been trying to tame the beast. Its hard when side neighbours have creepers and they don’t keep it under control. I can only do so much on my side. (One side is more controlled but the other isn’t partly cos they rent and neither them or the landlord do anything about it. ) I do like looking at gardens, As a child we use to go to Horsham for holidays with mums family. They lived close to the botanical gardens which also had a playground in it. I use to love the water lilies.
Hi Jenny, I’m glad you loved Carolyn’s book. 😊 I’ve spent more time this past spring in my garden than I have in years, mainly because we cleared out the old stuff and put in new lawn. Lots of work, but satisfying to enjoy the results. 😊
Thanks so much for your kind words, Narelle (& Jenny!). I’m so glad you enjoyed my foray into contemporary! Happy reading!
Hi Carolyn, You’re very welcome! ❤️
Congratulations Carolyn. This sounds like a book I might like. I much prefer the ‘go slowly’ into friendship kind of books.
Hi Christine, yes, it sounds like it’s a romance you’d enjoy reading. Thanks for commenting. 😊