Book Review | A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by Carolyn Miller

Cover image: A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by Carolyn Miller

A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh is my favourite Carolyn Miller book so far.

As usual, the writing is excellent, the sense of period is perfect, and the characters. I liked the way Miss Caroline Hatherleigh went through a complete yet convincing change in her character. I also liked the way what could have been a lighthearted romance showed unexpected depths.

Caroline Hatherleigh has been raised to believe that feelings of love in marriage are for the lower orders, and to consider attending church as a social obligation, not something one does for any deeper meaning. But she wants more from a marriage than mere affection. And her beliefs on faith are challenged when she is shunted off to south Devonshire to visit her grandmother, where she meets Gideon Kirby and his sister.

A quote from A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh

As Caroline spends time with the pair, they challenge her to consider the reality of God and faith.

She is attracted to Gideon, but knows that as the daughter of a Viscount, she’s expected to marry someone of equal rank in society. Anyway, Gideon would have to show an interest in her first.

Gideon is a strong Christian, and a scientist (in a time when the two weren’t considered to be mutually exclusive). He is hunting for fossils on England’s south coast, and describes himself as an undergroundologist. (I guess that’s the predecessor to our modern palentologist.) Gideon is in Devon for two reasons: to hunt for fossils in the same area as the famous Mary Anning, and to protect his sister from the monster she married.

It is these two subplots that raise A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh head and shoulders above most Christian romance.

[bctt tweet=”A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by @CarolynMAuthor is head and shoulders above most Christian romance thanks to the unique characters (including an undergroundologist) #BookReview #ChristianFiction @iolagoulton” username=”acwriters”]

Emma is hiding from an abusive husband, which adds a layer of suspense to the plot. Domestic violence is a topic which is rarely discussed in historical fiction, as is the mix of science and faith. Gideon faces some of those challenges in 1818. It’s a fascinating combination of backdrops.

Those who have read and enjoyed Miller’s earlier Regency romances will enjoy glimpses of characters from previous stories. But it doesn’t matter if you haven’t read any of Carolyn Miller’s previous books. A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh is the first of the Daughters of Aynsley trilogy. That means we have another two Carolyn Miller novels to look forward to. Excellent!

Recommended for all fans of Christian Regency romance, or for those looking for Christian romance that’s beyond the ordinary.

Thanks to Carolyn Miller for providing a free book for review.


  • Iola Goulton @iolagoulton

    Iola Goulton is a New Zealand book reviewer, freelance editor, and author, writing contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi twist. Iola lives in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand (not far from Hobbiton) with her husband, two teenagers and one cat.

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Published by Iola Goulton @iolagoulton

Iola Goulton is a New Zealand book reviewer, freelance editor, and author, writing contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi twist. Iola lives in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand (not far from Hobbiton) with her husband, two teenagers and one cat.

21 replies on “Book Review | A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by Carolyn Miller”

  1. Wow, Iola! Thanks for sharing your lovely review. ‘Head and shoulders’? I’ll take it! So glad you enjoyed xx

  2. This review really makes me want to read this book for sure! Thanks for sharing. The book sounds like a real page turner and I love the cover , it is Beautiful!

  3. What a wonderful review of a book by an author I love. Carolyn Miller is a fabulous writer and you can’t go wrong picking up one (or all) of her books and reading from cover to cover without stopping. I had the privilege of reading this book early and I can say it is fabulous.

  4. Sooo many plot twists and an interesting discovery. It made me more intrigued about fossil hunting, too. It was a good read…Carolyn Miller is truly one of my favorite authors!!

    1. I found the fossil hunting intriguing as well. I’ve known the “she sells sea shells” tongue twister since I was a child, but didn’t realise it was based on a real person.

  5. I haven’t read any of Carolyn’s books but the first in a series sounds like a good place to start!

    1. This is definitely a good place to start! There are some cameos from characters in previous books, but nothing that will detract from your enjoyment of this story.

  6. I so want to read this book!! A beautiful cover and a very intriguing plot!!

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