Book Review | Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Today I am reviewing Hope’s Enduring Echo by Kim Vogel Sawyer which released on Tuesday.

Book description

Since an accident left her father unable to work, Jennie Ward has taken on the demanding task of inspecting the isolated seven-mile wooden pipeline that supplies water to Cañon City, Colorado. Despite her responsibilities, Jennie harbors dreams of going back to school and longs for something even a friend. One day, in a moment of impulsive and seemingly hopeless prayer, she asks God for companionship.

Her prayer is answered almost immediately with the arrival of Leo Day, a paleontology student searching for ancient bones buried along the ridges of the wild Arkansas River. Despite her long workdays, Jennie agrees to guide Leo in his quest.

As Jennie navigates her burgeoning friendship with Leo and her unwavering loyalty to her father, she finds herself torn. Leo, who longs for his own father’s approval, could change all Jennie knows. It’s undeniable that God has intertwined their paths, but to what end? With so much at stake, what does He truly intend for the preacher’s son and the linewalker’s daughter to uncover?

My Review

Thanks to Netgalley for my review copy.

Kim Vogel Sawyer’s books are a must read for me. I look forward each year to her new book and again this book didn’t disappoint. The book is a historical Fiction with a subtle romance thread. In this book we meet Jennie Ward walking the line checking the water pipe for signs of need for repairs. She is holding a bone her father’s previous dog had found when the train goes by. She always waves and is waving the bone. Leo Day is a college student wanting to be a palaeontologist sees the bone from the train. This starts a friendship and search for more bones.

We then meet Etta Ward, Jennie’s mother and Claude her father. Jennie is walking the line due to her father’s accident that has left him with a limb and despondent. The book is written from the points of view of Jennie, Etta and Leo which gives more insight into the story. The book has a very strong faith element and deals with some serious issues.

Jennie is now 17 and shouldering the responsibility of her family with the Monday – Friday walking the pipeline but longs to study art. While she would love to have friends and study, she also feels the loyalty to her family. Her mother feels the same burden knowing that life in the valley being so isolated is not good for her daughter and the monthly trip to the town isn’t enough. I love the dynamic between mother and daughter and how they are holding on to hope and prayers.

Then we see Leo who has his own issues with his father. Coming from a long line of preachers it was expected Leo will continue the tradition. He thinks he knows best and Leo feels the rejection of his father. Leo is so intent on finding a dinosaur to prove himself to his father.

This book reads well and moves at a good pace. We see growth in the characters and understanding and hope. I love how Kim handles some of the tricky topics and doesn’t just wash over them and give the easy way out. She highlights that even in the early 1900’s some problems are not just any easy fixed but need to be sorted through. I did enjoy how it worked out and love the ending. Sorry is I am being vague but I don’t give spoilers and so much happens after the first few chapters.

If you like historical fiction with a hint of romance, I am sure you will enjoy this book.


  • Jenny Blake @ausjenny

    Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

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Published by Jenny Blake @ausjenny

Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

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    1. I think you would like it. I couldn’t go into to too much detail without giving stuff away but I really did enjoy it.

  1. I haven’t read much from this author. Thanks for the review. I’ll check it out.

    1. She has been around for quite awhile. I first read her many years ago. But was reintroduced about 3 or 4 years ago. She does a yearly Historical Fiction dealing with different issues often not talked about in historicals.

  2. Hi Jenny, This story sounds like a fascinating read. I like historical fiction that includes romantic elements. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. 😊

    1. The romance is very much in the background but it is a good read.

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