Author Interview | Monica Bruenjes

Today, our guest is American children’s author and illustrator Monica Bruenjes, who is the creator of the delightful book series for young children, Penguin & Peep. Welcome to the ACW blog, Monica! We’re glad to have you. Thank you for answering our questions. Fast Five Cricket or rugby? My husband played rugby. I’ll have go …

Introducing Cindy Morgan and The Year of Jubilee

Narelle here. I’m delighted to welcome Cindy Morgan to our blog today. Cindy’s debut novel, The Year of Jubilee, will be releasing on April 18, 2023. Fast Nine Let’s start by asking Cindy to answer some quick-fire questions. Long black or flat white? Flat White Kiwis or koalas? Koalas! Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes Cricket or …

Author Interview | Introducing J.J. Fischer

Today I’m interviewing Australian author J.J. Fischer (Jasmine). I read her Young Adult fantasy, Calor, last year, and was impressed … particularly as I’ve often said I’m not a fan of fantasy. Welcome, Jasmine! Fast Five (plus four) We started by asking Jasmine to answer some quick-fire questions on all the big issues in life …

#Throwback Thursday | Introducing Hannah Currie

Today I’m resharing an interview with Australian author Hannah Currie. Hannah’s fifth novel, the second book in her Crown of Promise series, will release later this year. Introducing Hannah Currie Where are you from? (Or where do you live?) Brisbane, Australia. Born, raised, and still living here. If you had an unlimited travel budget, which …

Author Interview | Lenora Worth

Today, our guest is author Lenora Worth, who is a NY Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of over 80 inspirational fiction books. Welcome to ACW blog, Lenora! We’re glad to have you. Tea or coffee? COFFEE!! Contemporary or historical novels? Mostly contemporary. But when I need a break, I love a good …

Recommendation: Rising Son, Gripping World War II Story

Today I am delighted to present my friend Brett Eshelman whose new World War II era book Rising Son has just been released. Rising Son is a gripping World War II story with repercussions that continue to this day. From the burning observation tower during a Tokyo air raid, through the account of the Kamikaze …

Author Interview | Introducing Dienece Darling

Today we’re introducing a new blogger to Australasian Christian Writers: Dienece Darling. Welcome, Dienece! Fast Five Kiwis or koalas? Koalas. They bring back special, childhood memories of going to the local sanctuary in Hervey Bay, Queensland with my family. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mango lassi! My sister’s mother-in-law grew up in Pakistan, and she got me …

Author Interview | Brenda S. Cox on Fashionable Goodness

Donna: I am delighted to bring Brenda S. Cox to Australasia today as part of her official blog tour for the launch of her wonderful new book Fashionable Goodness, Christianity in Jane Austen’s England. Brenda, what led you to write a book on this subject? Brenda: In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in England, exciting …

Author Interview | Getting to Know D. J. Blackmore

Welcome D. J. Blackmore to our blog today. We look forward to learning more about Deirdre. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? For many years I have enjoyed a grass roots lifestyle. I have lived my research, which includes spinning, beekeeping, milking cows, making cheese and growing food. I am a simple …

Author Interview | Betsy St. Amant

Today, our guest is author Betsy St. Amant, who writes contemporary inspirational fiction as well as non-fiction and many other things! Welcome to ACW blog, Betsy! We’re glad to have you. Tea or coffee? COFFEEEEE! Because I’m pretty sure it makes up 45% of my bloodstream now. Contemporary or historical novels? If I’m writing, I …