Dear Author | Online Safety

This month we are talking online safety. It wasn’t planned to post on this topic today but due to seeing a few issues this past month with hacked and cloned accounts at Facebook, I thought it was worth talking about. I will explain the difference between cloning and hacking. Cloning This is what normally happens …

Dear Author | Online Groups

Last month I talked about safety on social media and what worries me for authors. This month we are talking about online groups. On different platforms there are author/reader groups. These can be both a blessing and a curse to readers. Both Facebook and Goodreads have group as to other platforms. I mainly use these …

Dear Author | Please Be Careful

Today I am starting a new series called Dear Author. These are different subjects as a reader I and other readers would like to say to authors. Todays topic is “Please be careful” dealing with online presence. Social Media and Author Newsletters As we are entering a new year it’s a good time to do …