Devotional | Cleansed and Covered

Cleansed and covered  1 John 1 verse 9 (NIV) If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness What a mess! Over 40 years ago,  I was newly married and working as a nurse on night duty one night. Somehow, I …

Devotional: Transformations from Darkness to Light

When darkness hangs like rain clouds overhead, believing in future sunny days isn’t easy. Through the example of a weather pattern, God taught me about His power to bring me from darkness to light. On a bleak December morning, I had resigned myself to indoor activities despite my desire to take a walk for a …

DEVOTIONAL: Proclaim His Wonderous Works

We are doing a series at church on the book of ACTS, and I have found myself stuck in chapter two. On the day of Pentecost, with all the believers gathered in one room waiting, the Holy Spirit come upon them all and they all started speaking in other tongues. The bible tells us that …

Devotional | Truly, truly

This year saw the release of many wonderful books, among them Lynne Stringer’s Keeper of the Archives. Lynne is fantastic at world-building, characterisation and plot. A fascinating YA read, she posed the question: what if you could truly read everyone you met? Buy this amazing book here! This, of course, got me overthinking in directions …

DEVOTIONAL: He Is Still Worthy

Still Worthy Those that have been reading my blogs for while know that one of the ways that I connect with God is through music. Music is one of the few things that can still my mind. Worship music especially, can just centre my mind on Jesus and block everything else out. So I’m constantly …

Devotion | Don’t yield to your fear!

Luke Chapter 1 verse 28-31 The Passion Translation Verse 28 Gabriel appeared to her and said “Grace to you, young woman, for the Lord is with you and so you are anointed with great favor.” Verse 29 Mary was deeply troubled over the words of the angel and bewildered over what this may mean for …

Where’s My Milk and Honey?

There is a strange sort of balance in the Christian life, and it’s not about how much honey should go in the milk. We are to cling to God’s promises, forever and always. But sometimes, we are not the patience, humble servants we should be. “Where’s my milk and honey?” we may very well demand. …

Devotional | Who am I Promoting?

Who am I Promoting by Jenny Glazebrook I had a book launch on Wednesday 14th August. It was for the final book in a series and the culmination of a dream I’d had for almost 30 years. It was also my 15th published book. I posted my celebration on Facebook, feeling the joy, the contentment …