I recently purchased an absolute gem of a book for it contains sermons and writings by Aimee Semple McPherson1 which I’m slowly working my way through. I say slowly because it is a thick book but also it takes time to digest each sentence because she writes with such depth. In the 1920s, as a …
Category Archives: Devotional
The blood of Jesus. A devotion by Keona J Tann
I get queasy at the sight of blood; I can feel lightheaded and extremely uncomfortable; I have a strong adverse reaction to the sight of blood. In vast contrast to how I respond to the sight, or thought, of human blood I feel strength and life when I reflect upon Jesus’ blood.How is this possible? …
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The Proclaimers, Jesus, and Love in Action
World events continue to remind me that love is about action. When something bad happens, the “thoughts and prayers” come out. It’s great to see people loving others with their thoughts and prayers, their feelings and words. But feeling sorry and saying the right words doesn’t change what happened. And it doesn’t prevent that bad …
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DEVOTIONS: Reaching out to touch Jesus
Our healing can be found by reaching out to Jesus. I have always loved the story of woman with the issue of blood. A woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years, desperately seeking healing. Reading this story, I can almost feel the despair and desperation of this woman; years of going to …
a devotional – Jesus’ prayer (John 17)
In John 17 Jesus prays for us, that’s right over 2,000 years ago Jesus prayed for us. What is it that Jesus prayed for? Joy, protection, holiness, unity and our calling. Joy Jesus desired for us to know JOY: “…so that they may experience My joy made full and complete and perfect within them [filling their …
DEVOTIONS: Loving God with all our heart and soul and might
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might – Deuteronomy 6:5 Have you ever had seasons where you felt like you were loving God with your heart but not your mind? Or you were loving God with your thoughts, but your heart …
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What do you do? a devotion by Keona J Tann
A common ice breaker question is for someone to ask: “what do you do?”. Now this can be an easy question to answer or it can be a tough and complex one. If we love what we do then it’s easy. However, if we’re struggling with what we do then the answer can feel like …
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Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (part 2) by Keona J Tann
In my previous devotion I shared that when we repent and ask for forgiveness God wipes the slate clean and remembers our sin no more, for God’s love keeps NO record of wrongs! You can read the full devotion here. I pray that you can grasp hold of the fact that Father God’s heart is full …
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DEVOTIONS: God loves us as He finds us
God loves us as He finds us, just as we are. Have you ever found yourself listening to a song only to have the lyrics take your breath away? When lyrics hit home so deeply that you feel like someone has taken your journal and turned it into a song? The other day as I …
Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs , a devotion by Keona J Tann
Mistakes, ugh, we’ve all made them. The thing that I find is that the enemy loves to remind us of the things we’ve done wrong. In the past reliving my most silly, stupid, embarrassing and awful moments would send me into a tailspin of condemnation, shame and deep regret. My failures and mistakes used to …
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