For some time now I’ve been reflecting upon the Garden of Gethsemane and there is just SO much I could say and unpack, but what really hit me was Jesus-the-surrendered-One. The prayers that Jesus prayed in garden were things like: “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from …
Category Archives: Devotional
DEVOTIONS: Running to the arms of the Father.
I’m a flawed person. This revelation likely isn’t a surprise to anyone, except maybe my mamma, who happens to think I’m the most amazing woman to ever walk the earth (thanks, Ma!) Like most people, I have many flaws and faults. I’ve said and done things that have left me questioning my own sanity. I’ve …
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DEVOTIONAL: Hands and Feet
At the time of writing this blog, I am sitting in a café eating pizza in Chile. I have just finished a huge ministry day with work and am reflecting on all that has happened. This is my first time in Chile and I enjoying taking everything in; the sights and sounds and smells. The …
The Importance of Pruning
Christmas arrived with such a flurry, then just as quickly it was gone for another year. 2018 was drawing to a close. Another year. Where had the time gone? Recently I came across an analogy for finishing something and starting something new. It was suggested that we write down all the things that are bothering …
Productive NOT Busy
My journey with adrenal/chronic fatigue has taught me so much and recently I’ve been reminded to be productive not just busy. I had a dream where I was back at my old workplace and my previous boss was being quite rude and demanding but I maintained my cool and said to God: “this is an …