Devotional by Karen Rees
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Heb. 1:1
I love gazing at the stars, seeing a myriad of tiny lights spangling the black velvet sky. Having grown up on a farm, at night I would see more than I could ever count.
When my husband and I moved to Hong Kong with its ‘big city’ light pollution, the stars disappeared. Now when we take our evening walk through a nearby park, I’m thrilled if I can see even five or six stars. Where did they all go?
On a trip to the Philippine island of Cebu a few years ago, we expected to see stars. My husband had partly grown up in South Africa so was eager to show me the Southern Cross.

We saw several Spanish era historical sights as well as a pavilion with a mural painting and a wooden cross supposedly enclosing the remains of the cross Ferdinand Magellan erected there in 1521. But we saw no stars.
During our whole trip, the sky was blanketed by clouds. The stars were gone. Where did they go?
Missing Stars and Missing God
At times in my life I’ve asked that question about God. Where did He go?
Poor, suffering Job asked a similar question. (Job 23:1-4, 8-9) After Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, it wouldn’t surprise me if he also asked the question. Where did God go? Certainly Jesus asked it when hanging on the cross. Matt 27:45-46. So when I ask the question, I’m in good company.
Whether the question concerns the stars or God, the answer is the same. I can’t see them/Him because something’s blocking my view.
Blocked Views
Manmade light pollution blots out the stars in Hong Kong.

We can blot God out of our lives merely by filling it with so many other things that we leave no room for Him.
At other times troubles, like heavy black storm clouds, blanket our lives, smothering all the hope and happiness that once brightened our days. We’re left feeling that God has disappeared.
But if we remain faithful as Job (Job 13:15a) and Joseph did (Gen. 39:7-9), we’ll eventually see Him again, and in a much clearer and more personal way. Job 45:5 & Genesis 50:20
On a recent trip to the States we visited my brother on his farm. We sat outside at night and gazed up at a sky filled with stars. In fact, the longer I gazed, the more stars I saw.
Gazing at God
It’s the same with God. The longer we gaze at Him – studying and memorizing His word, having regular devotion and prayer times, remembering all His past and current blessings, living in faithful obedience – the more of Him we see.
Whenever I return to Hong Kong after a visit to North America, the stars disappear again. But I know they’re there just as I know that, even when I don’t “see” Him, God is there. After all, we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor. 5:7
Thank you for this, yes we live by faith and not by sight….. To you who believe He is precious whom having not seen you love.
Oh what a beautiful heartlifting piece, thank you for sharing

Thank you Karen for your beautiful and poignant analogy. While God has made himself known in the things he has made – things we can see, like the stars – what a joy it is to know that we can seek God with our hearts and not just our eyes, and that he has promised we will find him when we seek him with all of our heart.
It’s so important to remember this. Thanks for putting it into words so beautifully.
Lovely encouragement, thank-you Karen. I too, love to look at the stars. It reminds me of the mighty power of the Lord and how he speaks to us through his creation. ‘The heavens declare the glory of God… day after day they pour forth speech…’ (Ps. 19).