Devotional by Karen Rees
Scripture: Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matt 6:20
Our ministry in Hong Kong is with household servants imported from the Philippines. Many of the ladies spend years working there to put children through college and to help family members build a house, start a business, or purchase farm land. Our church members dream of providing their families with a better future. Every Christmas they send numerous gifts through door-to-door deliveries to family members back home.

Then a natural disaster hits—a typhoon, an earthquake or an erupting volcano. The results of years of work and millions of pesos are gone overnight. Our members may lose not only property but also family members and their hopes for a better future.
As I was writing this, the Philippines was being hit by two major natural disasters.
In October 2019 and then again in December2019 a series of earthquakes shook the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. The earthquakes damaged cities and towns across the region, destroying schools, homes, churches, health facilities, businesses, bridges and roads in two provinces, and leaving around 40 people dead and 800 injured.
In the northern Philippine island of Luzon, the Cagayan Valley region was being inundated by a week or more of torrential rain for the second time in two month. The rainwater flooded 28 towns and 3 cities, swept away or seriously damaged a great number of homes, fields, churches, businesses, roads and bridges, and left 4 people dead.

No Guarantee
Disasters that rob people of family members and destroy homes and businesses happen in other countries also. In no country on earth are we guaranteed absolute safety for our worldly possessions.
Christ knew that our earthly treasures are temporary.
Even if our new TV sets escape typhoons and thieves, they will gradually wear out. The pretty dishes we purchase for our dining room tables will eventually be broken. While our houses may escape tornadoes and fires, they will eventually fall down merely from age.
In Matt 6:19-24 Jesus reminds us not to build our lives on temporary material possessions which can be lost in so many ways. In verses 25-33 he tells us not to worry about the basic necessities of life. Our heavenly Father knows we need these things. We’re to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and trust God to help us meet our physical needs.
Permanent Treasurers
As we work to provide temporary treasurers for ourselves and our families, are we sending permanent treasures door-to-door to our heavenly homes?
Are we seeking his kingdom first by being a Christian witness to our family and friends? Are we seeking his righteousness by daily following Christ’s example of obedience, by patiently enduring trials, by generously sharing with others what God has blessed us with, by striving to keep our thoughts and actions pure, by lovingly and humbly serving others?
When the flood waters of death sweep us away forever from our earthly possessions and we wash up on the shores of eternity, how many heavenly door-to-door boxes will we find waiting for us there?
First published in January 2020
Beautiful words to remind us of the real treasure in life, especially in a time where love world is so caught up in things that do not satisfy and often bring destruction. Father , help us show the love of Christ.
Great post. It’s stories like this that carry with them a timely reminder for us to turn our eyes off the temporary trappings of this world and to fix our eyes on the eternal things, things that will last. When we know Jesus, I mean, really know Jesus, then we have every treasure imaginable! Xx
A great reminder where our true treasure lies
What a great reminder, Karen, to keep our eyes fixed on eternity, and to build up our treasures there. May our writing do the same.
Thanks to all who commented. Karen isn’t online as much now but I am sure she appreciates all the comments and support.