Still Worthy
Those that have been reading my blogs for while know that one of the ways that I connect with God is through music. Music is one of the few things that can still my mind. Worship music especially, can just centre my mind on Jesus and block everything else out. So I’m constantly on the search for new worship music and every now and then, a song pops up with words that just captivate me. Recently, I found one of those songs and it has been on repeat on and off since. It’s called Closing Distance by 7 Hills Worship. The lyrics to the song are beautiful, but here are a few of the lyrics that have captured my heart and mind.
Closing Distance
No matter what You do Lord You’re still perfect
In every move You make there is a purpose
If ever there is praise God, You deserve it
I’m brought down to my knees in your presence
When your love is near it feels like heaven
Father let my worship close the distance
Worthy, no matter what You do Lord You’re still perfect.
As I sing these lyrics, I am reminded that Jesus has always been, and always will be worthy of all our praise and worship. In John 1:1-5, the bible tells us:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
The Son of God and the delight of heaven chose to take on human flesh and come down to walk among us. He chose to make Himself known so that we could be known by our Creator. Jesus was and is perfect. He is love and He loved us into existence. That truth alone should compel us to cry out, “You are worthy, Lord!”
There are many cultures and societies that to leaders in religious institutions as Your Holiness. While it may be said in respect or out of tradition, no one deserves the title of Holy or Holiness but God. Only He is holy. Only He is pure and righteous. God is and always will be the only one that we should bow down to and cry out ‘Holy’ to.
Whilst it may come across as me being disrespectful to other religions or cultures, that’s not my intention. I believe it is a matter of placing honour where it is rightfully due and personally, I believe that only God deserves the title of Holy because that is who He truly is. Holy. Righteous. Sovereign.
Let Our Worship Close The Distance
God is so worthy of our praise and adoration. As we prepare for Christmas and the holiday season , it can be easy to get distracted by the celebrations and gatherings. But we can close the distance caused by distraction through worship.
We can stop and adore God through our worship. We don’t need to wait for a church service, God is with us always, meaning we can worship at any time. We can worship Him and cry out, “Holy” to the only One who is truly holy. We can connect with Him in a season of busyness and allow our hearts to slow down and beat in time with His.
What comes to mind when you think of the words Worthy and Holy?
How do you worship God amid busyness and chaos?
As published on Reflections By Leila