He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes – Deuteronomy 10:21
In the blink of an eye, Christmas and New Year has come and gone and February is almost here. By now, most of us have settled into the new year as the glimmer and glitter of the festive season has worn off. The preparations and celebrations have happened and life is just moving on. Christmas and New Year celebrations now feel like a distant memory and we have to stop and remind ourselves of what we did, who we spent time with and what ate.
Reminding our hearts.
Our relationship with God can be like that sometimes. When things are happening or we are in a crisis, we call on Him. We plead with Him to intervene and to act and save. Our situations get us on our knees begging God to do something or fix something or stop something. When the victory comes, we praise Him, yet once that season or situation passes, we fall back into business as usual. Our hearts go back to focusing on other things and our conversations with God move from constant to occasional. We quickly move on as we focus on the next thing in front of us. We need to stop and remind ourselves of what we came through and who got us through it.
Maybe that’s not what your faith looks like, but for me, it has sadly been like that on more than one occasion. My humanity gets in the way and my faith can become fickle, quickly forgetting what He has done. I praise Him in the moment, but then I allow life to get in the way. But God is always worthy of our praise and adoration. Not just in the hard seasons, but in the good seasons. In the mountain top moments and the dark valley moments. In every season, God is worthy of our adoration and praise.
Adoration comes through remembering
It’s so easy to forget the Lord sometimes, but one of the ways to keep our hearts on Him is to remember what He has done. [bctt tweet=”We encourage our hearts to praise Him is by remembering what He has done for us. #praise #acw #leilaarmstrong ” username=”acwriters”] We reflect on all that He has done for us. As we remember all the amazing things He has done, our hearts can’t help but to praise and worship Him. When we think on His salvation and redemption, our hearts can’t help but to shout with joy and sing praises to Him. If we stop look back at what the Lord has done, our heart will do what it was created for: to worship and adore God.
He is worthy of praise.
God is worthy of our praise. He is so worthy of our constant adoration and reverence not just because He carries us through the hard times. He is worthy because of who He is; love, peace, restoration, joy, salvation. The list is as endless as the works of His hand. And through His Holy Spirit, we can foster a heart of praise. Today, can we lift our hearts towards Him today in wonder. Can we praise Him for who He is. Rejoice over what He has done, what He is doing, and what He is yet to do. Because at the end of it all, the only one who is worthy of our praise is God.
A great reminder to always be thankful and praising out Lord. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Keona x
Thanks, Keona xx
Thank you. I often find your devotionals a blessing.
Thank you so much, Dienece! That is so encouraging to me x
Wonders “you saw with your own eyes”. Thanks for a great reminder to keep wearing our ‘praise-coloured glasses’, Leila – especially ones that reflect the Son to passers-by.
How good it is to see words and images that remind us of God’s everyday goodness, to hear others tell of His goodness, and to add our own reasons to praise and adore Him to the mix.
I’ve been blessed this year past to belong to a small online group where members share experiences of God’s goodness, prayer needs (and His answers), words of scripture or songs that the Spirit has brought to our minds or lips, and others respond with needs or tell how they’ve been encouraged. It really helps us keep our eyes focussed and our praises flowing.
Thanks for your comment and thanks for sharing your experiences, too. It’s always so encouraging to see and hear how God moves in the lives of those around us!