Look up, child.
This may sound silly, but a lot of time when I am praying alone, I tend to look upwards. I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one that does it. But it doesn’t matter if I’m indoors or outside, I find myself tilting my head back and looking heavenward as I pray. It’s funny because I know that God is everywhere. Maybe it’s because as a child I was told that heaven is above and hell is below. Or maybe I’m looking for a visible sign from God, like a shooting star.
Looking up.
Whatever it is that makes me do it, it’s something that I’ve done for years. And it often serves as a remind to lift my eyes. Off my situation, off myself. To shift my focus heavenward to the One who sees me and loves me. To the One who is above all things. It’s a reminder that there is One who is bigger than I and who holds the world in His hands.
Look up, Child.
As I sat to write this blog, I found myself stuck for words. It wasn’t that I didn’t have any words; I did. But they were swirling in my mind and I couldn’t make enough sense to form a sentence, let alone a blog. And the reason for that was because as I write this, I’m feeling discouraged and sad for various reasons. And so as I sat at I laptop, I found myself tilting my head back and just breathing, “Lord.” And wouldn’t you know it, the song Look Up Child by Lauren Daigle popped into my mind (God has such a sense of humor!)
Look up to see the Light.
The moment the song popped into my head, I started singing it. And the lyrics started to penetrate my mental fog:
Where are You now
When the darkness seems to win?
Where are You now
When the world is crumbling?
Oh I, I-I-I, I hear You say
I hear You say
Look up child, ayy
Look up child, ayy
In the world we live in today, it can feel like darkness is taking over. Fear and disunity is running rampant in our society. There is so much division and discord. You can be forgiven for thinking that God has turned His face away. But He hasn’t, because that isn’t who He is. And though the world may seem dark, His light is still, and will always, shine through. We just need to look up.
Look up to find peace.
You’re not threatened by the war
You’re not shaken by the storm
I know You’re in control
Even in our suffering
Even when it can’t be seen
I know You’re in control
Oh I, I-I-I, I hear You say
I hear You say
Look up child, ayy
Look up child, ayy
Whilst we may feel afraid of circumstances around us, God is not. It is easy to see God through our human lens and apply our earthly limitations to him. But God is not a human and therefore, He isn’t limited like we are. He isn’t afraid of the storms that batter down. Nor is He threatened war, both physical war and the internal wars that we face. No, He is the Almighty. He is Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and End. God is the only One that is over all things and above all things.
He is in control.
In a world that feels out of control, God is still in control. He always has been and always will be. If you world is feeling out of control, or your mind or heart, can I encourage you to look up. And if like me, lifting your head physically helps you, then do it. But look up. Because our help is not found here, it is found in Him. Earthly things may provide some relief and temporary comfort, and they may even bring healing, but true comfort and peace, that peace that is felt deep in your soul? That is only found in Jesus. So, look up, child. Look up to the One that is smiling at you and loves you, and take comfort in Him.
Beautifully put, Leila. Our help and hope are in him.
Thank you, Steph x
Thanks, Leila. I found your blog helpful )i(
Thanks for the feedback, Chrissy. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂