Devotional | Reinstated

Recently, my husband and I headed north without Google maps guiding us. We have travelled that way many times but somehow, we ended up taking a wrong turn.  Hence we lost some ground making our trip slightly longer. Turning Google maps on helped to re-orientate us. It was frustrating knowing that although we were familiar with the route, we still managed to get it wrong.

Someone else who took the wrong turn, in his faith, values and beliefs, was Peter. In Luke 21 verses 31 -33  NIV  following The Last Supper, we read the account of Jesus predicting Peter’s denying him 3 times and Peters response in Verse 33.  This was something Peter could not accept as he saw himself fully committed in his relationship with Jesus. However, soon after, in Luke 22 verse 54 NIV we read that after Jesus was arrested, Peter followed Jesus at a distance. I wonder if Peter was thinking about what Jesus said to him.

We then read in verse 55 of Luke 22 that Peter sits down with others and warms himself around a fire. 

Sure enough, when Peter is accused of knowing Jesus, he denies him 3 times. At the 3rd denial,  the rooster crowed.

Luke 22 verse 61 NIV reads. The Lord looked turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the words that Jesus had spoken to him: Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times. Verse 62. And he went outside and wept bitterly.

Can you remember a time when you too forgot who you were in Christ and made decisions you so wish you hadn’t? Me too!!!

Maybe at this point, Peter had forgotten who he was in Christ. The battle over our true identity in Christ, is relentless. While we don’t always walk in the full truth of our identity, Jesus is kind enough to re-orientate us.

There soon came a time for a second fire in John 21 verse 9 NIV. A second fire to set a new scene. The scene of grace and reinstatement. A re-orientation back to the call of God. A fire lit by Jesus.

The account is in John Chapter 21 NIV. This time Jesus asked Peter to bring some fish from the huge catch. After eating the fish and bread, Jesus shows Peter, who he really was. Yes he had denied him 3 times but Jesus doesn’t show Peter his sin, he calls out  Peter’s call and his true identity. Yes, Peter could fish but most people can. But Jesus saw in Peter, a fisher of men. It was time for a reinstatement and a re-orientating Peter to his true identity.

I believe He was wanting Peter to see the righteousness of Christ within him more than the regret of denying Him.  The time had come for Jesus to re route him away from his bitter regret of denying Him and get on with the job of being a fisher of men.  Jesus did not mention Peter’s  sin to shame Peter but He was holding up an invisible mirror of grace, He was holding up love. Just as Peter had denied Jesus 3  times, Jesus gave him 3 new opportunities to come close to Him again, no longer walking at a distance.

Have you experienced this beautiful grace yourself?

Jesus  reminded  Peter of His true identity through three beautiful questions of reinstatement. And He does the same for us. Sometimes its more than 3 questions but always words of kindness, always words of grace, always words of encouragement.

Romans 2 verse 4 NIV- Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realising that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?

Always keep in mind that Jesus can help you get back onto the right path. No judgement just kindness.



  • Lorraine Goulton

    Hi, I’m Lorraine Goulton from Masterton, New Zealand. I love to write devotional’s and blogs. See Lorraine Goulton-Writer on Facebook. Still working on my first publication. In between times, I’m completing a Bachelor of Counselling.

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Published by Lorraine Goulton

Hi, I’m Lorraine Goulton from Masterton, New Zealand. I love to write devotional’s and blogs. See Lorraine Goulton-Writer on Facebook. Still working on my first publication. In between times, I’m completing a Bachelor of Counselling.

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