Boxing God in.
What is your view of God? When you think about God, how powerful is He in your mind? Is He sovereign? Does God seem mighty and all knowing? Or is God more human like?
There have been times where I have put God into a neat little box. And the God that sits in this box does exactly what I want. He answers every prayer. Fulfils my every request. Pretty much does exactly what I want him to do. And when he doesn’t do what I ask of him, he takes the blame for it. Even when my situation is hard due to my own actions, he still takes the blame.
Limited God.
Many of us put God into a box. We bring him down to our level and expect him to do all that we want or need. In reality, we’re no different to the people of Israel. When Jesus comes on the scene, the people of Israel were under Roman rule. When they saw Jesus and all He could do, they expected Him to free them from the government they were under. But that wasn’t why He came. He came to bring life and eternity with our Heavenly Father. He came to make a way for us to be reconciled with God.
Take God out of the box.
Like the children of Israel, we have expectations of who God is and what he should do for us. But, that won’t work. [bctt tweet=”We need to take God out of the box we have made for Him. Because the reality is, there is no box big enough for God. #ACW #leilahalawe” username=”acwriters “] He is bigger than our minds can comprehend. As God tells us in His Word in Isaiah 55:8-9,
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
God does not think like we do. He doesn’t act like we do. And so we need to step back and let God be God.
Let God be God.
For us to really thrive in life, we need to remember that God is God. The Creator of Heaven and earth. The Alpha and the Omega. We can’t confine him to an earth sized box and try bring Him down to our level. God will never fit into any box we try to make for Him. And that’s great news. Knowing that God is way bigger than anything we can imagine means we can release control. We can stop striving. And we can allow God to do what only He can. As Ephesians 3;20 tells us, God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”
Let Go.
Today, can I encourage us all, myself especially, to let go and let God be God. Because truthfully, none of us are equipped to be God anyway! Let Him lead you and guide you. And experience the fullness of joy that is only found in Jesus.
Love this.
Thanks, Dienece!
Thanks for this Leila, such an important reminder not to confine or limit God to our notion of who he is!
Absolutely, I need to remind myself of that! Thanks for commenting x
How presumptuous we are to have expectations of how we think God should act. We, indeed, attempt to box Him in. Thank you for the reminder to let go and let God.
Absolutely, Sherma! We make Him like us instead of letting Him be God and be above us. Thanks for your comment x