Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9 (NIV)
This year has been a long one, and a hard one. A number of friends and family have said this year was a struggle without the added complication of Covid 19. There have been illnesses, job changes, deaths and more. It has been a hard year.
As we hit November and count down to the end of the year, it is so very tempting to paint the whole year with one word ‘terrible’. However, as I reflect on 2020, I find it is not so easy to categorise it with one word.
Yes, there has been hardship, but there have also been moments of triumph and joy. Times of celebration and hope. I was recently messaging a good friend and said:
“Let’s not lose sight of what we have accomplished this year. Maybe it is unseen work but that is just as important.”
I know I sent that message, but I think it was as much for me as it is for her. Because I have a tendency to focus on the struggles, the things that have taken work, the downs of life. More so this year than any other.
Yet, when I pull out my diary and look back over this year, I find I have done so much. I wrote and presented two poems at the beginning of the year; I have done two podcast interviews; I have attended writing retreats, and online courses; and this is now my 5th post for Australasian Christian Writers. This is not to blow my own trumpet but to look back and honestly reflect on what I have achieved this year. And then there is the unseen: guiding my daughter in a transition to a new school, home-schooling during lockdown, and the list goes on.
There is a reason that the well-known passage about peace in Philippians 4 tells us what to think about. Because focusing our mind on the good of life brings us peace. I love how the Message version puts this passage:
Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Philippians 4:8-9 (MSG)
So, I want to challenge you today to focus on the best of this year. Maybe you haven’t had huge moments of celebration like a book release. But maybe you’ve finished a manuscript or had something published in an anthology.
If you feel like it, share your moments of triumph with us (whether big or small), so we can all encourage and celebrate each other as community. Because this year needs joy, and it needs celebration, and it needs us to shift our focus to those things that are excellent and praiseworthy.
Peace be with you,
Thank you for the very timely reminder. I was recently praying Phil 4 over my life as I do want to focus on the right things.
At the start of the year I had major surgery and it set back my adrenal/chronic fatigue recovery significantly. As expected I did put a little bit more weight on and I had significant bloating. However I’ve been trying to exercise and eat right and last week I fitted back into a pair of trousers that I hadn’t been able to wear all year. It felt like a huge milestone. I know I have a long way still to go but I do want to celebrate those victories along the way.
I’ve also been chipping away at my novel which felt too daunting to even contemplate a few months ago so that’s exciting!
Thank you again for sharing, this has been a great encouragement.
Many blessings,
Keona x
I agree Keona, celebrating little victories is so important. Thanks for sharing and keep chipping at that novel.
Thanks, Jodie, for this timely reminder. I especially appreciated the Message rendition of this passage. For me it was a timely reminder. My October was filled with change, and I forgot to keep my eye on the good that I achieved. I also stopped counting my blessings as November pre-booked more drama. My Church Elders challenged me to find out which fruit of the Spirit I needed to focus on to remedy my unease. Not only did you point me towards peace, but gave me a Scripture to apply. )!(
I do love how different translations can give us fresh eyes on a well-known passage. Thanks for sharing Chrissy, and may the peace that surpasses understanding be with you this month.
Philippians, ‘The Epistle of Joy’, has been a favourite of mine since I first got into in my teens. Before that, in my primary school days when we learnt a Bible verse and a notable saying each term and quoted ithem every morning, we learnt Philippians 4:8 one time. This has stayed with me ever since. I only quoted this on Facebook yesterday.
My girls are able to recite the fruits of the spirit because of a song they learnt at church this year. It is so good how these things stick in your mind and heart. Thanks for commenting, Heather.
A beautiful post, Jodie. (And thank you for the message at just the right time) xxx
Thanks Elaine xx