Book Blurb
A hardworking introvert meets a handsome adventurer longing to settle down.
Tabitha Thomas longs to leave Trinity Lakes and travel the world in honor of the beloved grandmother who raised her and her siblings. But she’s needed at home—she’s the responsible triplet, the one who stayed home to run the family inn while her brother and sister left to live their dreams.
Kiwi Logan Wylde doesn’t call any place home. When an injury frustrates his travel plans, he accepts an invitation to return to Trinity Lakes and recuperate at the Lakeview Inn, where he hopes to rediscover his purpose in life.
When Tabby and Logan find a property deed while cleaning out Gran’s rooms, Tabby embraces a new challenge—to solve the mystery of the floodplain and renovate the old boatshed. Working with Logan reignites long-suppressed feelings, but will their differences drive them apart?
An opposites-attract, friends-to-more, small town contemporary Christian romance.
Dienece’s Review:
Did you know Sir Walter Scott once reviewed Jane Austen’s Emma? In the opening paragraph, he more or less said Austen wrote about the common day life (which they all knew down to the minute detail) so well and with such spirit that they found no fault in her portrayal of their life. Rather the common became exciting under her pen.
That is how I felt when I read Iola’s debut. She wrote about life as I know it but wrote it so well that I wanted to keep reading.
Always by My Side is a lovely, contemporary romance.
I crept in on timid feet to Logan and Tabitha’s world. Bad boys aren’t usually my type of book, but I liked Logan right off the bat. My timid feet settled in and put down roots, desiring to linger in Logan and Tabitha’s world.
He was so nice. She was so relatable!
The characters are well thought out. Their actions make sense. The plot doesn’t lag or get frustrating. It’s not action packed like some romances. There is time to breathe between scenes, to take in what happened, but still want to know what’s coming next. It’s a lovely, well-paced romance. One I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
A bit more about the story itself:
Logan is a free spirit who works from job to job, living on his motorbike, and never worried about what’s coming next until God rattles his boat. Logan isn’t quite clear what God has for him next. But Logan’s lifestyle suits him and makes sense when you find out about his background.
Tabitha was relatable and drew my heart to her. Her gran just died, and she’s dealing with her grief by keeping herself busy. So busy she is barely keeping above water, and she has never stopped to consider if maybe the life she has is the life she ought to have.
I can get frustrated with heroines who don’t ask questions, but not with Tabitha. It made sense when she held her tongue, or when she drew the wrong conclusion without clarifying. I couldn’t get mad when I would have done the same thing! It’s a pleasure to read a book so well thought out that misunderstandings happened when a misunderstanding would have naturally occurred.
It’s good writing.
The story can stand on its own. No, it does not neglect the other books in the series, but it builds so seamlessly on them you wouldn’t notice or miss the others. Again, really good writing.
Looking for a contemporary romance? Want relatable and likeable characters living a life that feels real and yet makes our normal life feel interesting? Check out Always be My Side. You can purchase it here.
Hi Dienece, Yes! Iola’s characters are down-to-earth, interesting, and genuinely caring people who are relatable. I’m glad you enjoyed Iola’s story. 🙂