Please welcome Steph Penny to our blog today for Fiction Friday. Steph is an Australian author and her new book is Surviving Childlessness.
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a fortysomething writer currently writing a nonfiction series on Survival. I’ve just released the second book in the series, Surviving Childlessness, following my first book Surviving Singledom, and I’ve started the third book which is about chronic illness. I also love writing fiction, especially sci-fi, and I write songs as well! When I’m not changing the world with my words and music, I’m working part-time as a psychologist, hanging out with my husband and furbaby cat, Portia , eating far too much chocolate and browsing op shops—when we’re not in lockdown!
2. When you were a child did you have a favourite book or books?
Oh yes, as a child I read many books I loved, from Enid Blyton adventures to Roald Dahl escapades to classics by Charles Dickens and H.G. Wells. But my all-time favourite had to be the chronicles of Narnia, and my favourite Narnian story was The Last Battle. I was fascinated by the way C.S. Lewis used this story to play with a mixture of truth and lies, and of course it has encounters with Aslan and the most epic battle scene ever!
3. Do you have a favourite Genre to both read and to write?
I love reading for escapism, and I generally read adventure and thriller stories as well as sci-fi and speculative fiction. While I am currently writing in nonfiction, I do have a few fiction works in the pipeline, and they definitely lean toward the speculative and fantasy persuasions.
4. Did you have any favourite authors growing up who have influenced you?
One author who influenced me was Adrian Plass. He writes in both the fiction and nonfiction worlds, and he uses songs, poetry and parody to illuminate Christian truths in a way I have never seen any other author do. Plass’ unique humour makes you laugh and think at the same time, and his gentle style both shows and tells you just how much God loves you. Plass has inspired me to utilise both humour and truth-telling in an effort to help people turn to Jesus—whether they are Christian or not.
5. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I wrote countless short stories as a kid and invented fantasy worlds with characters who were always undertaking epic adventures. I cannot remember a time when reading and writing were not in my life. But I felt a definite writerly prompting when I was in my late twenties and struggling with painful singledom. I went shopping one day to find Christian resources for singles, found nothing, and complained loudly to God about it. Then I prayed a stupid prayer (ever prayed one of those?) in which I asked God to raise up writers to write about singledom. To my horror, I realised God was looking right at me. I tried to get out of it but he wasn’t interested in my excuses (like having absolutely no writing training or experience). Next thing I knew, I was furiously writing my first book!
6. How did you go about becoming an author?
Once I had finished writing my first book, Surviving Singledom, I honestly had no idea what to do next. I had no resources and no contacts. So I started mentioning my book to friends at church, and one of them said, ‘Oh, why don’t you ask [friend at church’s name] to be your editor? She does it for a living!’ So I asked her, she said yes (thank you Lord), and after the editing phase I found four beta-readers to shred—I mean give constructive feedback to—my book. What next? I always knew my book would be self-published, because it was so niche that traditional publishers would never want it. So I started asking around about graphic designers who could put the book together for printing. Turns out another friend at church was a graphic designer! She did my book cover and internal layout for me and transformed my scribblings into a real book!
7. If you were not a writer what would you like to be?
I cannot imagine a time in my future when writing would not be present! However, if I could not write, I would be a musician and songwriter, which I currently do in my spare time. I have always loved singing and playing music, and I enjoy the challenge of writing songs that not only inspire Christians but make them think as well. I love using music to hold up a mirror to the church and challenge the status quo. I’m aiming for a cross between the writings of Adrian Plass and the musical parodies of Weird Al Yankovic!
8. Outside reading and writing what do you like to do?
Did I mention chocolate?! I love retreating to the bush and mountains, and fossicking for gemstones. I enjoy op shopping as well, which can be viewed as another form of fossicking. Travel is one thing I would like to do again in the future, pandemic permitting, particularly to places like Switzerland and the Bavarian region of Germany. Otherwise, there is nothing quite so magical as curling up on the couch on a rainy day with a hot chocolate, cuddling myz cat, and escaping into yet another book!
9. Do you have a place you love to visit or would love to visit?
While I definitely want to go back to Germany and Switzerland, I also want to see Scotland, Canada and especially Prince Edward Island, where the fictional Anne of Green Gables grew up!
10. If you could have a meal with 3 living people who would you choose and why?
Adrian Plass (whose writings make me simultaneously howl with tears and with laughter), Hans Zimmer (whose musical compositions make my spirit soar) and James Taylor (whose songs at times bring me back to life).
Finally can you tell us about your latest release. Where can buy the book and where can we find you on the web?
My website has all the goods: www.stephpenny.com.au, where you can buy my books, listen to my songs, subscribe to my weekly blog and contact me directly. You can also reach me at steph@stephpenny.com.au. My book is also available through Koorong (www.koorong.com) and will shortly be available on IngramSpark. If you’re an ebook person, my ebook is available on Amazon, Apple, Barnes&Noble and more at https://books2read.com/u/3LRQ11.

Surviving Childlessness
‘Surviving Childlessness: Faith and Furbabies is the second book in Steph Penny’s Survival series. Herself childless-by-forced-choice, Steph takes a deep dive into the sociology and survivology of childlessness with wit, honesty and hope. Steph unpacks the impact of childlessness on faith and offers suggestions for grieving, healing and reconciliation with God. There are also practical ideas for friends, family and church leaders who want to include childless people with empathy and intentionality. Surviving Childlessness includes 14 stories of childlessness from around the world, and they will touch and inspire you. If you are childless or know someone who is, this book is for you.’
Hi Steph and Jenny, thanks for sharing your interview. Prince Edward Island is on my travel wish list, too. I also remember reading a hilarious Adrian Plass diary book, which I Googled to find the title: The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass (Aged 37 3/4) – fun memories.
Thanks for stopping by Narelle. I too would like to go to Prince Edward Island. I also love the photo with the cat.
Hi Narelle, I love that Adrian Plass book too! I can only aspire to write at his levels of hilarity.
As for Prince Edward Island, you’ve definitely found a kindred spirit in me!
Hi Steph, great to hear about your inspirations! And Switzerland is definitely on my list of travels when the world opens up again, too!
Thanks Leila! Have you been to Switzerland before? I’ve been a couple of times and I’m absolutely in love with the place. Would love to live there one day, if it wasn’t so expensive!
Thanks for stopping by Leila