Welcome back to Friday Fiction and some reader questions.
After the success of the last post I am doing another choice post. I am not reading a lot at the present due to a few factors.
Which holiday or special day would you like to see in books?
Let us know if you have a holiday you would like to see more of in books.
Do you have a favourite season for books to be set in?
Are you someone who likes to read books during the current season or do you read anytime. Do you have a favourite one?
Do you like books that include recipies in them?
Do you like it when an author includes a recipe of food they have in a book. Have you ever made something in a book?
Do you enjoy books with sports in them?
Do you like books that include sports? I was going to mention specific events but have learnt they are trademarked which explains why they are not in as many books. Do you have favourite sports?
When you finish the polls tell us in the comments your thoughts.
I can’t wait to see what others think and let me know if you like this type of interaction. This year I am in a bit of a holding pattern. I need to find somewhere to rent when the town is in a rental crisis. I could use prayer that God will provide a way.
That was fun :o)
I’m sure my vote isn’t useful to anyone though – I can’t think of a holiday I particularly want to read about, I don’t care what season a book is set in and I don’t like sports in books at all.
I don’t mind seeing a recipe here and there though, and if it sounds delicious I might even try it!
maybe I should have added none for sports. it says it gives an option for people to put an answer but haven’t worked out how to do that yet.
thanks for joining in.
I’m the same! Most of my answers were no except I don’t mind if they include a recipe.
thanks for commenting seems I was only allowed x amount of responses.
Interesting poll. Especially seeing what other readers enjoy.
seems the poll has exceded what I am able to use each month.
Yes, I found this interesting. I generally enjoy reading. I have enjoyed some books with recipes. I really do enjoy historical fiction, I have read a lot of these over the years, both based on British and Australian, especially the convict era. I have enjoyed the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and Janette Oke books.
Will pray for your rental situation, Jenny.
thanks for commenting.
Hi Jenny, Thanks for sharing your poll. I’m hoping contemporary Christian romance readers like Easter season romances because I’m currently writing one (and running very late, my preorder is not available yet). The first book in the multi-author series, Her Unlikely Hero by Valerie Comer, is releasing at the end of February. 😊
thanks for commenting I need to get a different poll option as this one capped at 25 votes which I didn’t realise
I didn’t choose a sport because the only one I’ve ever played competitively is 10 Pin Bowling!
Generally I’m not a sport fan though.
I picked ANZAC Day/Remembrance Day, but I would also like Easter, though it’s tricky since the seasons are different northern and southern hemisphere.
I’d like to see more Autumn books, but Aussie Autumn (no Halloween).
Recipes can be fun sometimes, but with some unusual food allergies, I tend not to make any.
I think ANZAC day or remembrance day would be great. I would love to see Easter in Australia/New Zealand. I agree with Autumn in Australia/New Zealand. As here its also Easter. We also don’t really do the pumpkins patches but we do have our Autumn traditions. We have the places with the fall colours. I agree with recipies. (I am a fussy eater)