Good Friday is a powerful day.
A day when we remember that Jesus Christ took on the sins of the world in the ultimate act of sacrifice, and restored relationship for us with God, our Heavenly Father. And while for many in the world this day may be about having a day off from work, eating hot cross buns, or going away, as Christians we remember the real reason for the season.
As a Christian author I love writing stories of redemption. I’ve written quite a few in both my historicals and in my contemporaries, including Hearts and Goals and my upcoming release, Big Apple Atonement. I love revealing characters as flawed and relatable and human as we are (and sometimes more). I love presenting realistic scenarios where characters are forced to acknowledge their need for God and surrender to Him. And I love receiving messages from readers who read these scenes and are touched and moved and say things like “Maggie’s realisation of God’s love for her brought tears to my eyes.”
That’s what I want to do with my fiction. I want readers to be encouraged and inspired and be reminded of God’s love for all mankind. The love that kept Jesus on a cross. The love that saw Him raised to life three days later. Real love, from a real God, for you and I, and all the world. The ultimate redemption story.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.” (John 3.16)
God bless you this Easter.
Thank you Carolyn. Happy Easter to all!