Today we have a guest blogger Nicole Zoch. Nichole has a new book out and is doing a giveaway. Welcome Nicole.
In The Cool Of The Day
In The Cool Of The Day came about during one of my early morning walks and talks with God several years ago. It was during one of these morning ‘cuppa with my Papa’ chats, (as I affectionately call my morning dialogue with my heavenly Father), that I felt the Spirit of God ask me to start to write down our conversations. I say conversations because that is exactly what spending time in God’s presence looks like to me. I need it to be a two-way exchange. I never want it to be a monologue where I do all the talking and I never pause long enough to listen. And so the diary entries penned during my daily walks and talks with God, eventually became chapters that filled the pages of this new book.
I would describe In The Cool Of The Day as a book for those longing for God’s presence, yearning for the more, and wanting to immerse themselves in a daily moment with their Creator. It is for those desiring to saturate themselves in the wondrous love of Jesus, and to wade deep into His life-changing Word. It is food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, and a beautiful, gentle invitation to take up the daily walk with God – to pray, commune and discover more of His majesty, love and grace.
Almost every sentence I’ve written is the result of my walking and talking with God. I have simply written whatever I felt the Spirit of God say to me, and I share an open and honest collection of these God-conversations throughout this book.
I also explore what I like to call the Mary postures of abiding, waiting and receiving, which Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jesus chose to take. My hope is that these three Marys will inspire each of us to abide at the feet of Jesus (Mary of Bethany), patiently wait for His instruction (Mary Magdalene), and receive God’s calling on our life (Mary the mother of Jesus).
As I unpack the spiritual truths gleaned from the testimonies of these three Marys, along with my own heart-to-heart conversations with the Father, coupled with studying numerous other biblical counterparts through the lens of the three Mary postures (eg. Esther, Jael, Hosea, the woman with the issue of blood, Moses and the woman with the alabaster jar), I hope and pray that the Spirit of God will stir something deep within each of our hearts and reveal more of Himself to us.
My sincere desire as my readers journey this book, as they choose to abide, wait, and receive along the way, is that each one of us will choose to passionately seek the Father, zealously pursue all He has for us, and that all of us will choose to walk and talk with God in the cool of our very own day, whatever and whenever that looks like.
Book Giveaway
Nicole Zoch is giving away a to a reader who comments on this post and/or Monday 12 Septembers post (maximum of 2 entries in the drawing by commenting on both posts). The drawing will close on Monday, September 19, 2022 and the winner will be announced in a comment on this post and the October Recent Releases post.

Nicole Zoch resides in the countryside of Victoria, Australia with her husband Jamie, and three children, Faith, Joel, and Levi. She has been in church ministry for over two decades, including most recently as the Lead Elder / Prophet in a five-fold ministry church, modeled on Christ’s ascension gifts as described in Ephesians 4:11-16. She currently co-leads a mobile House of Prayer/healing ministry and loves to encourage others through her prophetic preaching and writing.
As she describes in her first book, ‘Having Faith’, it was out of this extraordinary faith journey that Nicole learned to extravagantly worship, trust, and desire God more than anything else. It was also out of this intimate season with the Lord, that Nicole came to see that being present in God’s presence – walking and talking with Him ‘In the Cool Of The Day’ (as described in her second book) is exactly where she belongs!
Thank you, Nicole. We all need to walk closer with God.
Thanks for stopping by Susan.
Amen Susan — there is such an invitation to draw close to Him — our Beloved is inviting us to ‘Arise and come away with Him” – SS 2:10 🙌🏻🙌🏻
I love the evocative picture of walking in the ‘cool of the day’ and being still to listen to the Father. It is so reassuring to know our Heavenly Father not only listens but wants to speak to us, lead and guide us. He longs to give us wisdom and blessings and delights to know we want communion with Him. Thank you Nicole for sharing your heart and encouraging us to walk daily with our Father.
YES … relationship with the Father is what we’ve been created to enjoy. It’s in our design, our make-up, our DNA — to walk and talk with Him as a friend like Moses did — face-to-face (Exodus 33:11)