Guest Post | What’s the Story, Morning Glory? by Julie Lessman With Giveaway

Today we welcome Julie Lessman to our blog to talk about her new book What’s the story Morning Glory.

What do you hope readers take away from this book?

The number one thing I hope readers take away from this book is how much POWER we Christians possess when we utilize the Word of God. For me, application of God’s precepts—His Word—in our lives is the only way for us to, as John 10:10 ESV so aptly states, “have life and have it abundantly,” achieving true peace, hope, and joy, just like God wants us to have. And just like He intended in the Garden of Eden!

Like I say in this rather unique (and quirky) life-stories devotional, I see God as the Supreme Milton Bradley—He made the game of life and created the rules by which it is to be played. Not to “Lord” it over us, mind you, but to bless us so we can win in life—in our relationships, in our marriages, in raising children, in our jobs, you name it.

Think if it—God actually spoke the world and universe into being with His words—they’re that powerful! Then, He not only gave us those words in the Bible for us to live by, but He sent salvation and blessing to us through those words in the Word made flesh—His Son Jesus—per John 1:14 ESV, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

“The tongue has the power of life and death,” according to Proverbs 18:21 NIV, which means words spoken by us—good or bad—have power as well. I personally believe that blessing (God’s Word) as spoken of in Deuteronomy 30:19 ESV, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,” and curse (Satan’s word, negative earthly language) are voice-activated. What does that mean? It means we can either say something like, “I can’t do this because I’m not smart enough” or “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength,” per Philippians 4:13. 

Once Christians begin to believe—and see for themselves like I did in my many life-lesson stories—the power of declaring and decreeing God’s Word (eternal language) instead of earthly language (often Satan’s negative language), their lives will change on a dime—and ALL for the better.

Book Description


My heart went out to my sweet husband as he walked into our kitchen one day with a noticeable gulp, ashen-faced after reading my latest novel.“Yes, I know, babe,” I said with a repentant smile and a conciliatory hug, “but nobody really knows that.”

Ahem. Until now …

Trust me, “What’s the Story, Morning Glory? A Memoir Devotional with a ‘Novel’ Approach to Practical Christianity” is not a book I wanted to write. As a novelist, I have never been partial to nonfiction, either reading it or writing it, but I had little choice when God convinced me otherwise through a number of point-blank arm-twistings I couldn’t deny and not-so-gentle proddings from family and friends.

Despite all the encouragement, I wasn’t really sure where to begin. “It will be fiction and nonfiction combined,” the Holy Spirit whispered within, and just like that, the idea for this book took flight. First, I would tell my “real” and very personal story behind the life-lesson stories in my novels, then I would follow it up with the excerpt from my books where I teach that same life lesson to my characters, finally culminating in corresponding Scriptures, a bulleted “Takeaway” list, and a related prayer.

Thus, What’s the Story, Morning Glory: A Memoir Devotional with a “Novel” Approach to Practical Christianity was born. A memoir devotional that when combined with scenes from my novels, becomes a “novotional” where I relate the life lessons God personally taught me through His Word. I am simply a child of God who applied these lessons and Biblical precepts to every situation in my life and consequently, saw nonstop answers to prayer and blessings galore. It is my profound hope and prayer that through my own very simple and personal stories and examples, I can do the same for others. Therefore, the format for each chapter of this book will be as follows:

  1. The Real Story (How I learned and applied the spiritual lesson in my own life)
  2. The Novel Story (The scene where I teach the spiritual lesson to my characters)
  3. The Scripture Story (Scriptures applicable to the spiritual lesson)
  4. The Takeaway Story (Bulletized points for spiritual lesson in easy-to-read/apply format)
  5. The Prayer Story (Specific prayer related to the spiritual lesson)

I pray this bottom-line, albeit somewhat quirky, 1-2-3 devotional blesses you as much as God’s spiritual life lessons have blessed me!

Julie Lessman


Julie has offered to giveaway one Ecopy of What’s the Story, Morning Glory to one commenter. To enter please comment on this post and add your name and country to be eligible. The giveaway is open international and to blog contributors. Contest closes Wednesday evening 16 October and the winner will be listed in the November New releases.


  • Jenny Blake @ausjenny

    Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

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Published by Jenny Blake @ausjenny

Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

Join the Conversation


  1. Hey, Jenny, thanks SO much for hosting me on your blog with my new memoir devo, WHAT’S THE STORY, MORNING GLORY–much appreciated, my friend. I’m very excited to be here this week, and I hope you are enjoying the book. I’ll stop by to respond to all comments.
    Hugs and more hugs!

    1. Thanks Julie. I am its really makes me think and while my life is so different I can relate.

  2. Hi Julie, Thanks for visiting with us and sharing your new devotional book and offering a giveaway. I love the concept and how you’ve included spiritual lessons that you’re teaching your characters. I have interesting conversations with my own characters about faith matters, lol. I do like reading creative nonfiction and stories included in nonfiction books. 🙂

    Narelle Atkins, Australia.

    1. Narelle I know you would get a lot out of this book. I am using it as a devotional.

    2. LOL … I hear you on the “interesting conversations” with your characters, Narelle … I think that’s a given for any author, or at least it should be! 😉

      And I agree with you on preferring “stories” in nonfiction books–that is, when I can get myself to READ nonfiction books! 😉 I definitely prefer fiction over nonfiction, which is why this devo was the hardest book I’ve ever written–and the most spiritually attacked as well, so I’m guessing there are things in there the devil just doesn’t like. 🙂

      Good luck in the draw, my friend!

  3. What a fascinating concept! I know it’s not intended to be a craft book for writers, but they say we should “show, don’t tell” and this sounds like a great way of showing both the spiritual lesson and how to apply that for ourselves and our characters.
    Thanks for visiting!

    1. I love the story of the concept then the story of characters etc and the how to apply and prayer.

    2. Oh, Iola, what a great comment! Yes, it definitely IS “showing” rather than “telling,” so thanks for the writerly insight!

      And it’s a pleasure to visit your blog, so mega hugs to Jenny and y’all down under, and here’s to a win!


  4. Thank you for your post, Julie. I love the concept of bringing your fiction into the devotional space. It sounds fantastic! 😊

    1. Thanks for stopping buy Elaine, I am really enjoying the style and it is unique.

    2. Thanks, Elaine, but I can’t take credit because I did NOT want to write this book and bucked God for two years over it. But He won out, and now–thank God!–I can get back to writing what I truly love: NOVELS!!

      Good luck in the draw, my friend!


  5. This is a GREAT book and a wonderful lady. I’m so glad she listened to God and wrote the book. So many biblical life lessons in all of her books that have spoken to me personally. Now they are at your fingertips in just one book. Congrats to you Julie. You are a special lady truly used by God.

    1. Aw, Deana, you just brought tears to my eyes, my sweet friend–THANK YOU soooo much for all of your support over the years. You have been a treasure, both as a reader and a dear friend.
      Love you!

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