Earlier in the year, on the 8th of February 2021, I wrote…..Today I’m struggling. I really tried to do all the housework and I got quite a bit done but now I’m in bed, its only lunchtime, and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get up again.
I’m exhausted on all levels –
• physically the housework has taken its toll,
• I’m emotional I just want to cry,
• spiritually, my heart feels troubled as my head fills with questions and doubts.
I recently resigned from my volunteer position at church, I have been struggling to even get the emails out so the other tasks are just impossible right now plus I haven’t been able to get there. I know it’s the right thing but today I’m really sad about it, terribly sad that yet another thing has fallen away, terribly sad that I’m unable to serve, terribly sad……
This healing process is so daunting and I’m feeling a bit confused. It’s been 1,618 days of waiting for the promised healing to manifest and today I wonder if it ever will.
Healing stories
When I read about healings in the Bible I see that the healings happened instantly and sometimes it was a process…
For Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram (Syria), we read that he was a man of courage, but we also discover that he was a leper. Now Naaman looked for help and when Elisha replied and told him to “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you and you will be clean.” Naaman was furious, he expected Elisha to at least come and meet with him to heal him and in his rage he didn’t want to follow the instructions, but his servants urged him to follow Elisha’s advice and when Naaman did he was healed, in fact it declares that “his flesh was restored like that of a little child and he was clean.” (see 2 Kings 5:1-14)
The healing of the man who had been blind from birth was a process – Jesus first of all used it as a teaching moments for His disciples and then made mud with His saliva which He spread upon the man’s eyes. Jesus then instructed the blind man to “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated as sent). The blind man did as Jesus had instructed and came back seeing! (see John 9:1-11)
For the lady in Mark 5 it happened instantly, after suffering much at the hands of many physicians and after spending all that she had, she decided to ‘gamble’ what little dignity she had left by touching Jesus’ robe. When she did this immediately the blood disorder dried up and she felt that she was healed of her suffering. Then Jesus declared over her that because of her act of faith her health was indeed restored and told her to go in peace for He had permanently healed her from her suffering! (see Mark 5:25-34)
A new day
A couple of days later, on the 10th of Feb, I read through Lana Vawser’s book “The Prophetic Voice of God” and she reminds me to “continue to choose life through .. surrender, trust, decree, yieldedness and humility” and I’m so encouraged to keep pressing into Jesus, to keep asking for God’s will to be done in my life and through my life. I write: Lord I want to focus on what You have for me today, to enjoy every moment of being in Your presence, to see You all around me, to keep trusting that the good work that You started WILL be completed, to keep declaring that the good plans You have for me WILL come to pass, the good WILL be evident, the joy WILL come, healing WILL unfold, FULLNESS in Christ WILL be evident in my life. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Cue the horns and Michael Bublé’s crooning voice…. “it’s a new dawn, a new day, it’s a new life for me and I’m feeling good! Oh freedom is mine…. it’s a new dawn, a new day, it’s a new life for me… I’m feeling good, I feel so good!”
Be encouraged
Today be encouraged, trust Jesus for healing, call upon His name and receive wholeness remembering that it may be instant or it may be a process.
“For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED [in his expectations].” For there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile; for the same Lord is Lord over all [of us], and [He is] abounding in riches (blessings) for all who call on Him [in faith and prayer]. For “ WHOEVER CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD [in prayer] WILL BE SAVED.”” Romans 10:11-13 (AMP)
Do you have a healing testimony? A verse that you’re clinging to? A favourite healing story? Please share it with us in the comments.
Many blessings,
Maria Wolf lists 5 stories of Jesus healing the sick
Healing, and the absence thereof, are profound mysteries. I don’t understand why God heals at certain times and not others. I have experienced healing firsthand, but God has also shown me that certain things will not be healed—at least, not in this lifetime. And that’s what I cling to, when I feel discouraged, when I feel pain, when I feel eighty (even though I’m forty): that Christ will redeem us completely in the next life—body, mind and soul. This temporary body is nothing compared to the glorious eternity that awaits me.
Thank you for sharing Steph, it certainly is a profound mystery at times but yes this temporary difficulties are nothing when compared to the glory to come! Hallelujah! Many blessings xx
Yes, it certainly is a mystery. Sorry for the late response. I appreciate you reading and responding. Blessings xx
I love the fact, Keona, that even though you’re still waiting for your breakthrough in healing, you still choose to position yourself as an encourager to others. 🙂Comparison steals our joy and our strength and is the fuel for the enemy’s schemes. Don’t let that weasel steal anything else! We need to keep our eyes fixed on JESUS because it’s through the storms, the waiting for healing, the longing for breakthroughs in our lives that we cling to Him the most and learn the greatest lessons💗
Thank you Wendy, I really appreciate the reminder to stop comparing, that’s been a huge stumbling block for me through this restoration journey – I tend to compare my limited capacity now to what I used to be like and when I do I get really frustrated. So thank you for encouraging me to focus on Jesus and all the blessings that now brings. Blessings xx
Thank you! It’s been another tough few months trying to get my diploma finished but I’m finally there! It’s been a HUGE battle each day to get through the to-do list. Sorry for the late response. I appreciate you reading and responding. Blessings xx