This Author Interview is part of a series, introducing the members of Australasian Christian Writers, to give you the opportunity to get to know us a little better. Today’ Author Interview is with Jenny Blake (AKA Ausjenny). Welcome, Jenny.
Fast Ten
Long black or flat white? Well I actually hate coffee so neither for me
Kiwis or koalas? Koalas
Cricket or rugby? Cricket I am a fanatic
Books or TV? Depends on my mood (However if the cricket is on I can do both)
Sun or snow? Sun but one day I want to see snow.
Desert or sea? Sea but think Mountains are even better.
Mangoes or kiwifruit? Let’s change it to or “Pineapple” just so I can say Pineapple
Hobbits or Mad Max? Not a fan of Mad Max so Hobbits
Summer or Winter? No contest Summer, Winter depresses me.
Lamb or Chicken? Lamb
Getting to Know Jenny Blake (Ausjenny)
What’s something interesting or unusual about you that not everyone knows?
In 2017 Richmond played the Adelaide Crows in the grand final (AFL). My town is on the border and has a lot of Crow supporters and the call was out for Crow supporters to meet in the town square for a photo. I suggested Tiger supporters should go and crash the photo. The local paper contacted me for an interview and photo. It appeared in the paper and I am happy to say Richmond won.

Where are you from?
Naracoorte, South Australia
What is your town or city most famous (or infamous) for?
We have the world heritage listed Naracoorte Caves. The caves are limestone and over the years many fossils of extinct animals have been found.
A little known fact about Naracoorte is that the original boy in Storm Boy use to live in Naracoorte.
Also, Australian Marathon runner Jess Trengrove comes from here and use to live just round the corner from me.
What books are set in your town?
Being a small country town the only books I know about are history books, and a couple of children’s books based on the Naracoorte caves.
About Your Reading and Reviewing.
What do you like to read most?
Historical fiction, I admit I read more American than anything. Love the early West, from the Prairies, to homesteading, ranching, Wagon Train eras. The American Civil War fascinated me along with the other wars (Revolutionary, War of 1812). Contemporaries, Cosy Mystery, light suspense and even Amish are also on my to read list. I do not like Chick Lit much or Regencies and definitely don’t like Horror.
Have any books made you want to go visit where they are set?

Yes, when I first started reading again, I read the Canadian West Series and fell in love with Mounties and Canada. I knew I had to go visit one day and it became a dream. I later read Robin Jones Gunn’s “Sisterchick’s do the Hula” book and said to Mum “I have to go to Hawaii”, and she shut me down with a “you are not going anywhere”, which left me totally deflated. It didn’t mean I didn’t keep the dream alive. When I visited Hawaii I got to see some of the places in both this book and another she wrote set in Maui.
A series of books set in different National parks in America also impacted me. The first was set at Shiloh National Park Tennessee and one day I want to go. The second is in Washington DC and talks about the Lincoln Memorial which I was able to see on a tour.
How do you go about Blogging?
As I am not reading as much as I use to and due to health issues, my blog has become lax and I can’t respond to comments anymore. But When I can blog more, I will be looking to move my blog to WordPress. I like to put up reviews of the books I read and also, I am on a few street teams and blog alliances which just do reveal days. I also use to have interviews with authors and one of my favourite questions was if you could have dinner with three living people who they would be and why. My answer now is Neil McKenzie my favourite South African passed Cricketer, Cheryl Wyatt (novelist who loves cricket) and Michael W Smith.
Finally, where’s the best place to find you online?
I have a blog which is inactive at present click here. I am on twitter click here.
Thanks for the interview Jenny. Two questions… How does a Naracoorte girl follow Richmond? Just asking for an incredulous friend. 😉 And why would you pick Neil McKenzie out of all the past South African cricketers?
Ok When I was about 8 we went to Horsham (where mum’s family came from) so she along with her sister could settle her brothers estate. Auntie May was my favourite Auntie and they were talking football and how she followed Richmond. I turned to the girl who came with us and said I follow Richmond now and have ever since. I couldn’t change when the SA teams came part of the AFL. Its like I follow WA in cricket due to Kim Hughes and have for so long I couldn’t change.
On Neil McKenzie I meet him at a net practice at Adelaide oval and then before the game was getting a photo signed which wasn’t very good. I said I would get a better one. He asked my name. When he came down he saw me and said Jenny that’s right you want a better photo. Then when the one dayers were on he again remembered my name and at the end said we had to get a photo together. He makes a fan feel important and feel they matter. Even 7 years later when he came out again he still knew my name. (ok I did make a fan website for him but). I have had others tell me the same about him. I do like Jonty Rhodes and a few others but he was special in that he made me feel I matter at a time when my self esteem was almost nonexsistent.
Thanks for sharing with us. I remember going through the Naracoorte Caves and finding them fascinating. My hubby is a Tigers fan and I joined him in barracking them in the grand final, very exciting and I was hoping they would get back to back premiership.
When I was in Year 8 we had an overnight camp to the caves and they were working on the Victorian/Fossil cave and we got to help (a little) I even got to hold a jack hammer.
Its funny we have the caves right here but don’t visit as often unless we have visitors.
Your hubby has great taste.
I had to laugh when you made that crack about gate- crashing the Crows, You’ve got a mischievous streak there, Jenny. Anyway papers love that sort of stirring, so good for you. Wow I’d love to visit Naracoorte caves one day. Sounds fascinating.
BYW, thanks for all the ‘behind the scenes’ work you do for ACW & ICFW. Much appreciated.
Thanks Rita, Its like just cos we are in SA doesn’t mean all of us barrack for either the Crows or the Power. We are on the border and many have other teams. I wouldn’t gate crashed without support. Crows supporters can be a little over the top sometimes.
The caves are well worth a visit.
Any Christian poetry competitions soon ib Australia?
Hi Rosemary, I haven’t heard about any poetry contests. My suggestion is to join the local Facebook Groups (Australasian Christian Writers & Christian Writers Downunder) and ask this question in the groups. Good luck! 🙂
Lovely interview, Jenny. It’s hard to believe it’s almost five years since we met up in Adelaide and visited the Adelaide Oval. And my husband and I still haven’t returned to Adelaide to watch the cricket!
I’m glad you shared your Neil McKenzie story. We tend to hear about sporting heroes in the media when they’re behaving badly. It’s good to hear the other stories about their acts of kindness and the thoughtful things they do for their fans. Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂
Thanks Narelle, Another thing about Neil is when I did meet him again in Adelaide 7 years later it was when mum had broken her leg and was in the nursing home. I left with her in one of the moods where she makes you feel bad for going away and was a little down and he picked up on it and asked what was wrong and then listened and wished me all the best for my Mum.
Thanks for sharing your story, Jenny. I love the fact that you got people to gate crash a photo… I know very little about AFL but I would have gone along just to gate crash!
Lays maybe I need to clarify I suggested it we didn’t do it but it did get me interviewed from home and they came to my home for the photo. It was a couple of weeks after shoulder surgery and that is a staged lift of the arm couldn’t do it much higher than that.