It’s that time of year!
Spring has sprung. The trees are blossoming, the bees are busy, it’s time to plant tomatoes, the agricultural shows are popping up all around the countryside AND Omega Writers’ Zoom Retreat is happening.
I read a lament – or maybe just an observation – that many people prefer face-to-face. It’s true. There’s nothing like getting away from the grind of daily routine, settling into an accommodation with writing friends, sharing meals together, and generally enjoying not only the input and teaching, but also the fellowship.
Omega Writers management committee had been considering cutting our conferences to bi-annual because of the enormous cost in terms of human resource (which is mostly volunteer), and also the cost of flying interstate (and for some, internationally). We felt if we had a rest year for the organisational committee that would give delegates time to save up over the two-year period.
While these talks were still in the pipeline, the pandemic hit, and we had to cancel the face-to-face conference scheduled for that year. Most everyone was barricaded in their homes from compulsory lockdowns and were going a little stir-crazy. In South Australia and Toowoomba we had opportunity to move about within our own communities, so it wasn’t quite as bad, but we couldn’t travel interstate. So COVID-19 and the rapid changes in technology offered, dare I say it, an opportunity.
Our president that year, Penny Reeve, decided to push forward with a Zoom Retreat instead. Those of us in Adelaide and Toowoomba met together in our chapter groups and dropped into the zoom together. It was cost effective and successful, and so it fit well with our plans of having the face-to-face only every other year. In line with this bi-annual pattern, it was decided that the CALEB award would split in two: Published work entered on the year we hold face-to-face, and unpublished on the year we hold Zoom Retreat. This also helped with the human resource situation where we need to find judges for the CALEB award.
And so, here we are in 2023, gearing up for the online retreat, and excited about the things we have lined up. You can make it true to the tag line:
Here we are, TOGETHER, by joining with your chapter groups and organising for locals to meet together. (To find your nearest chapter group click https://omegawriters.com.au/resources/)
Please make sure that you register for the Saturday (cost of $50 members/$70 non-members). You can also register for the Friday evening AGM and social session, and the Saturday evening CALEB awards. Different zoom links will be emailed to you from these registrations. There is no cost for the Friday or Saturday evening sessions.
Our keynote speaker is Roseanna White – author, publisher, graphic designer. She will be zooming in from the US (another benefit of having an online retreat), and will be speaking on the following topic:

WRITE DEEPLY, READ DEEPLY, LIVE DEEPLY – We all want to write stories that leap off the page and into the readers’ hearts, but how do we dig deep enough? Join author Roseanna White as she shares the secrets of writing that resonates… by starting the process long before you sit down to write.
While we are on the topic of in-person conferences, we have a conference committee already at work and well underway planning next year’s event. Conference 2024 – Emerge – Connect, Equip, Inspire – will be held in NSW this time, so all of us from out of state will know to save our pennies for flights.
One last thing that should be mentioned: Omega Writers – Australia’s Christian Writers Network, has been focused on growth this last year.
We have gone through the process of rebranding and launching a new website; adding regular masterclasses which can be accessed from home; and increasing our online presence through social media.
I’m sure it is obvious that none of these new things, or any of the old things facilitated by Omega Writers, happens by magic. There are no fairies who pop in to do all the work necessary. Yes, there is a solid team of volunteers, people who don’t get paid and who take very little credit.
If you have a heart for the writing network that is Omega Writers, and have skills you think might be useful to us – particularly administration or IT – please let us know.
Don’t forget to book in for our Zoom Retreat and get ready to be blessed.