When you sit at your keyboard or notebook to write, there are parts of the craft that come naturally – the comfortable, well-worn patterns of practice you’ve employed since you were first inspired to write. Then there are techniques you’ve sniffed out through reading, tasted through blog posts, or feasted on at conferences.
Perched between blog posts and conference lectures are Masterclasses. These professional development opportunities for writers of all levels of experience are:
● short (usually an hour)
● accessible (online, economically-priced, and spread throughout the year)
● taught by experts in their field.
Feedback shows these courses are particularly valuable for emerging writers, but also for writers in the early stages of their development, and established writers.
“I would highly recommend Omega Writers Masterclass to others as professional development in the writing industry. The presenter brings a knowledgeable perspective as well as expertise with which to sharpen your personal writers armoury.” (April 2023)
Since September 2022, Masterclasses have been part of Omega Writers’ commitment to equipping and encouraging Christian writers. Masterclasses so far have included:
● Focus on Fiction with Meredith Resce, September 2022
● Writing for the US Market with Carolyn Miller, November 2022
● Author PR with Katrina Roe, April 2023
● Amazing Book Blurbs with Laura Tharion, June 2023
● Hunting for History with Tamara Wenham, August 2023
Our next Masterclass will focus on marketing principles. Jen Richards will help authors understand and utilise their unique selling point (USP) in their marketing. The workshop is suitable for authors at all stages looking to hone their marketing, including those who are pre-publication.
6 November 2023 at 7:30pm AEST
Save the date. We’ll have registration links soon.
So… we’d love your input!
The Omega Writers Committee is planning out the Masterclass program for 2024. We already have excellent feedback from past participants, but would love to know what you would like to see on the program.
Please take a couple of minutes and click here to complete this survey.
Future Events
Keep an eye on the Omega Writers Facebook Page for these and other upcoming events.
We also share external events and competitions via the Omega Writers Group.
A word about the Omega Writers website and membership
Many of you have been asking about the progress of our website refresh and member access.
The site is very close to launch and is just awaiting testing for our new member platform. We plan to be in touch with all current and recent members to confirm the status of your membership once the new system is up and running.