2021 has been a year.
Apart from the obvious, things have happened, especially here at Omega Writers.
- We celebrated the best of Christian writing from Australasian authors with the 2021 CALEB Awards. Click here to find out more.
- We hosted our first online writing retreat (after being forced to cancel the in-person retreat for the second year running). Click here for the highlights.
- We have an excellent monthly member newsletter sharing tall the news and newly released books from members. Join us to make sure you don’t miss out!
- Our regional chapters have held a range of in-person and online meetings (and shout-out to Tasmania for inviting everyone).
- The 2021 Omega Writers Book Fair did go ahead as planned (the day a snap lockdown went into effect). This included announcing the winners of the Book Fair writing contest. Click here to find out more.
All things considered, it’s been a great year.
So what’s the plan for 2022?
Our plan is for more of the same:
- A monthly member newsletter
- The CALEB Awards (the 2022 Awards will focus on unpublished authors, so get writing and polishing those manuscripts!)
- More meetings – hopefully in-person (online is better than nothing, but in person is better).
We may even get our planned writing retreat at the beautiful Peppers Salt Resort & Spa, Kingscliffe in northern New South Wales.

Those are our plans. They have been prayerfully considered, but they are still our plans.
God may well have different plans.
Our job is to be open to listening to Him and adjusting our plans accordingly. No matter what comes, we can have confidence that God is in control.
Just clarifying: at this stage the Omega member newsletter with members’ new releases is a quarterly (seasonal) thing.
That shows how fast this year has gone – I was sure the emails were more often than quarterly! Thank you for clarifying 🙂
A blessed Christmas to you, Iola, and all the Omega writing family. It’s been an interesting year, with highs and lows for everyone, but in it all, God is our Saviour and Lord. Looking forward to next year’s opportunities to connect.
Thanks, Meredith and amen! to the opportunity to meet again next year.
I’m a newbie to Omega, but thankful that it exists to support Christian writers. A strange year, but having so many things limited or restricted highlights our need for a perfect and present Saviour.
Welcome, Katharine. It’s great to have you on board.
Thanks Iola! I love that: these are our plans, but God may have entirely different plans! Here’s to 2022!
I started to write an inspiring post on planning, then got that “no” in my spirit. I don’t know what 2022 holds, but He does and we can rest in that knowledge.