Welcome to the monthly updates from Omega Writers.
Some conversations you can only have with other writers. You know the ones. Conversations where you talk about your characters as though they are real people. Thoughtful chats about how to breathe life into your memoir. Heart-to-hearts about the creative life, its dreams and disappointments. And then there are other conversations you can only have with Christian writers. Ones about how you mesh faith and creativity in your work. Ones about how you find your writing community.
‘On the same page as other writers’
The Omega Writers Conference in Sydney at the end of September was choc-full of these sorts of conversations! It was a creative time of fun and fellowship and a testimony to how God can work when we gather together.

Here’s what attendees said they loved about meeting together:
- “I’m very glad I came. I came away very encouraged and ideas were going round in my head all week. It was also great to mix with people all ‘on the same page’ so to speak with regards to genre and faith.” (Karen K)
- “You gave each of us a beautiful, safe space to connect and equip ourselves in our writing. I had many a chat with newbies and as overwhelmed as they were with all the information, God was at work giving clarity.” (Raewyn E)
- “You can learn so much from the experience and wisdom of others who have gone before. And having a cohort of likeminded new friends is so special.” (Anonymous)
- “The Omega Writers’ Conference is a weekend of learning, inspiration and fun. With a Christian focus, it’s a valuable opportunity for connection with like-minded writers and professionals. I’ve attended at least five onsite Omega conferences and have always come away energised and better equipped.” (Jean S)
Let us not give up meeting together!
There’s just nothing like the energy and encouragement Christian writers can give and get when they meet together. But it doesn’t have to be at a big conference. Here are some other ways to meet with other Christian writers for encouragement and inspiration.
- Find a writing buddy: Sometimes you just need to connect with one other writer to gain the encouragement you need to keep going. They don’t need to write the same genre as you for you to be able to encourage each other.
- Find a writing group: Omega Writers has chapter groups across the country who meet regularly to encourage one another. Not one near you? We are working on resources to help you start one.
- Pray: Easy to do alone and powerful to do in a group. Omega Writers runs regular (every six weeks) prayer meetings via Zoom. Connect with our Facebook group for details.
Omega Writers welcomes new president
Omega Writers welcomed a new president at the recent Annual General Meeting. Carolyn Tonkin was joyfully voted in with the support of the membership present. Carolyn is a writer, teacher and the leader of the Melbourne chapter group. Read her vision for the organisation.
For more information about Omega Writer’s, Australia’s Christian Writers Network, go to: https://omegawriters.com.au/