Writer’s Inspiration | Exploring the Past

A few weeks ago I was presented with the opportunity to take my daughter to the World Cross Country Championships in Bathurst, NSW. I might've grumbled at the time (my other daughter was returning from India that same day and I wanted to know All The Things!) but I went, because I realised this was …

Tuesday Book Chat | Does Knowing You Will Be Added to Author Mailing Lists Stop You Entering Multi-Author Contests?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Does knowing you will be added to author mailing lists stop you entering multi-author contests? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post …

DEVOTIONAL: Selfless love.

“We just want what’s best for you.” Those were the words spoken to me some years ago. On the surface, they sound caring and loving. But as I dwelt on them days later, I realised that under the surface of these words was not a desire for me to experience what is best. Under the …

Book Review | Scream Blue Murder by Susan Page Davis

Today I will be reviewing Scream Blue Murder book 4 in the True Blue Mystery series by Susan Page Davis Blurb An old photo, a twister, and a friend being stalked … A tornado rips through town, and Campbell McBride and her dad take shelter. Afterward, they try to help others who were hard hit, …

Introducing Cindy Morgan and The Year of Jubilee

Narelle here. I'm delighted to welcome Cindy Morgan to our blog today. Cindy's debut novel, The Year of Jubilee, will be releasing on April 18, 2023. Fast Nine Let's start by asking Cindy to answer some quick-fire questions. Long black or flat white? Flat White Kiwis or koalas? Koalas! Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes Cricket or …

The Writing Life: Inspiration from place

Settings have always been one of the most important aspects of a story to me. I frequently—almost always, even—choose the films I watch or the books I read based on where they are set. I regularly shape my plots around places I want to go for research. Past Travels Come to Life For my current …

Tuesday Book Chat | What Do You Like Or Dislike About Facebook Reader Groups?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: What do you like or dislike about Facebook reader groups? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post …

Omega Writers | Call for 2023 CALEB Award Judges

It is almost time for the 2023 CALEB Awards from Omega Writers. CALEB stands for Christian Authors Lifting Each other's Books. The CALEB Award: Supports excellence in Australasian Christian books by encouraging and educating writers, regardless of genre. Encourages excellence in Australasian Christian books by recognising and rewarding our best writers across a range of …

Book Review | Her Billionaire Benefactor by Elizabeth Maddrey

Today I am reviewing Her Billionaire Benefactor (Easter in Gilead Book 2) by Elizabeth Maddrey. Book Description Billionaires get a lot of requests for money, but when my great-grandmother asked me to set up a scholarship at her alma mater, I was happy to oblige. Anything to make my GG smile. But I made the mistake …

An Open Heart Opens Your Passion

As the saying goes, ‘Practice makes perfect’ but practice can never make anything perfect. We live in a flawed, imperfect world and practice and perfection cannot coexist because one will inevitably cancel out the other. Perfect is about avoiding mistakes in the process of practice and the sense that everything needs to be perfect before …