Tuesday Book Chat | Are You A Fan Of Facebook Reader Groups?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Are you a fan of Facebook reader groups? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in …

New Releases | March New Releases and Giveaway Winners

Welcome to a March’s new releases. Today we have 1 new release this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were one of our winners for February. The Ocean Between Us by Meredith Resce (Release date | 28 March 2023) Alanah, has set off on a trip of a lifetime. Her best …

Book Review | Her Unlikely Hero by Valerie Comer and Giveaway

Today I will be reviewing Her Unlikely Hero by Valerie Comer book one of the Easter in Gilead series.  Book description Redemption and second chances abound in this small-town, single-mom romance with a former bad boy set at Easter.Connor Hamelin’s Kansas farm boss offers wages through the winter if he’ll try out for the annual …

Historical Fiction Book Recommendation – Code Name Edelweiss by Stephanie Landsem

Today I'm sharing my book recommendation for Code Name Edelweiss, the fabulous new historical fiction spy novel set in 1930's Hollywood from Stephanie Landsem. Here's the Book Description: “What I am looking for—what I desperately need, Mrs. Weiss—is a spy.” Adolf Hitler is still a distant rumble on the horizon, but a Jewish spymaster and …

Wednesday Writing Wins from ACFW Beyond the Borders

The Beyond the Borders zone of American Christian Fiction Writers is the home of international Christian writers, and includes many Australian and New Zealand members. American Christian Fiction Writers is a writing organisation devoted to improving the craft of Christian Fiction. Members can benefit from: Online critique groups, writing training, and webinars. Discounted entry to the …

Tuesday Book Chat | Which Social Media Platforms Do You Use To Find Book Recommendations?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Which social media platforms do you use to find book recommendations? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog …

Devotional | From Depleted to Dependent

From Depleted to Dependent: Mark 5 verses 25 -34 ( NIV ) Mark 5 v. 27- When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought,  "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." The whole idea of the Holy Spirit drawing us …

Author Interview | Introducing J.J. Fischer

Today I'm interviewing Australian author J.J. Fischer (Jasmine). I read her Young Adult fantasy, Calor, last year, and was impressed ... particularly as I've often said I'm not a fan of fantasy. Welcome, Jasmine! Fast Five (plus four) We started by asking Jasmine to answer some quick-fire questions on all the big issues in life …

Book Review | Dreams of the Heart by Penny Zeller

Today I am reviewing Dreams of the Heart by Penny Zeller releasing on 7 March. The Blurb Sometimes the hardest battles take place in the heart. Poverty and abuse at the hands of her drunkard father leaves Hannah Bane trapped and alone. Without hope, she prays for a miracle just on the off-chance God will …

Writer’s Life | A View of One’s Own

What does Anno Domini (AD), Virginia Woolf and modern society have in common? Read on to find out. Stereotyping; the bane of our existence By now, we all see the stark reality that only a portion of us is represented in literature. And from that portion, only a portion is represented authentically. As a teacher …