Audiobooks are big business.
According to some they are ‘the new reading’. Whether or not they are going to take over from traditional written books remains to be seen. But the trajectory of growth is undeniable, with the Audio Publishers Association recently revealing double digit growth in audiobook sales for the tenth year running. Some estimates expect the audiobook market to be worth $35 billion US by 2030.
Anyone who writes content is smart to get on board this seemingly unstoppable train! It’s natural to think that since you can both read and speak, you are a good fit to narrate your own audio books. However, there are some important questions to ask yourself before you go down this route.
Do you control your IP?
If you are a traditionally published author, you have assigned your intellectual property rights to your work over to your publisher for a set period of time. This may or may not include audio rights. If it does, then you don’t have permission to record your own audiobook. You should talk to your publisher about your options. They may create an audiobook for you.
If audio rights have been excluded from your contract then you might be able to record your own audio book. (As with all contractual and legal matters, don’t act based on the advice of a blog post. Get professional advice.) This was famously the case for J.K. Rowling, whose initial Harry Potter contracts only included printed books. She was able to build her Pottermore publishing business because she still had ebook and audiobook rights to her books. A lot has changed since the days when those books were first published, and with the growth of audio you can bet publishers are working to secure audio rights for books they publish, so you should check your contract.

If you are an indie author who retains their intellectual property rights, you can do what you wish with them, including record your own audiobooks. If that’s the case, then the next question is for you.
Is your book the best it can be?
If you are traditionally published, the answer to this question is hopefully yes! You should have worked with a variety of editors, proofreaders and others to make sure the final product was the best it could be. However, if you are indie publishing, you may not have gone through all those steps. Particularly if the book you are thinking of narrating is an older one, from the beginning of your writing journey, it may benefit from another, more rigorous round of editing to make sure your prose shines. Any work you can do to eliminate passive sentences, remove rogue dialogue tags or strike out unnecessary words will improve the script of the audio book and make it better to listen to. You can see my copywriting tips for audiobooks here.
Are you the best person to record your own audiobook?
If you write fiction, the answer to this is likely to be ‘no’. Reading fiction aloud is a specialist skill. It’s hard work to keep people listening. Actors train hard for this kind of work and constantly practise and refine their skills. However, it is something you can learn if you have time to invest in practising. If you are committed to recording your own fiction audiobook then it would be wise to invest in voice coaching or speech and drama lessons to help accrue the voice and acting skills required to give a great performance.
However, if you write non-fiction or memoir, then the answer may very well be ‘yes’. If you are telling a personal tale or if your voice is distinctive, then you may be able to read your own words more effectively than anyone else! You may still require some training to help you sound professional.

Do you have the right microphone?
A professional microphone makes all the difference to your sound. A good microphone doesn’t negate the need for proper vocal preparation, but it will amplify all your good work and help you sound better. A bad microphone won’t do you any favours and will likely enhance the qualities in your voice you are already insecure about.
Luckily with the rise of audio, good microphones aren’t as expensive as they once were. I have a Rode Podcaster microphone that is perfect for spoken word recording. Rode is an established, respected brand and, though this microphone is the bottom of the line, it has done everything from audio books to voice narration for corporate videos simply by plugging it into my computer.
Where are you going to record?
Recording high quality audio isn’t as simple as just having a great microphone. You also need to create a good recording environment. If you hire a studio (a great way to get the microphone and recording environment all in one!) you will have that covered, but if you are recording at home, you’ll need to create an environment that dampens the sounds. This means lots of soft furnishings and few hard services. A walk in wardrobe is ideal.
It’s also important to make sure you are recording in a space free from background noise (traffic, children). Your good quality microphone will pick those up.
Over to you!
Authors, have you considered recording your own audio book? What stops you? Readers, what do you love about books read by the author? What are your pet peeves? We’d love to know!
Hi Jen, I know for sure I won’t be narrating audiobooks. Podcasting/YouTube for StoryChats @ InspyRomance that I co-host has been a steep learning curve. Professional audiobook content is hard to produce if you’re not experienced in voice training etc. That said, I’m interested in AI options, and I have author friends who are uploading AI audiobooks on YouTube. It’s an evolving space with opportunities for authors to reach a new group of readers. Thanks for your excellent post, and I appreciate you sharing your expertise with us.
AI is definitely an interesting and evolving area! A few years ago I would have dismissed it entirely for fiction, but it’s getting really good now! That being said when you hold it up against a true performance by a voice artist it pales in comparison. But we do have SOOOOO many more options for audio these days.
Readers might be interested in this podcast episode by Joanna Penn (link below) about Google Play Books who will allow you to generate an audio version of your book for free (at the moment)…but don’t gloss over the ethical issues of this! The podcast does a great job of explaining them
Edited to add: I didn’t mean to suggest that you were glossing over any ethical issues, Narelle
just that they are worth considering!
Are you talking about narrators being replaced by AI? I remember the conversations in the 90’s about how electronic books read on computer screens will replace paper books, and book stores will go bankrupt and disappear forever. People still buy print books in book stores, and ereaders, tablets, and phones have replaced computer screens for ebook reading. In the same way, I think human narration and AI will coexist and serve different segments of the market. We can’t stop technology, but we can adapt and benefit from new developments.
Agreed. AI and human narration are ultimately different products. But I do think that authors should be clear about which one they are offering your readers before they buy (that’s probably more about marketing expectations than ethics…).
Also, I think there are issues in particular with the Google service (as there are with Siri and Alexa etc) in that Google is using us to train and refine their algorithm (always)…does that help us create the kind of world we want? Or how do we harness it for good not evil? Also can a voice be IP?…I think those questions are really interesting to chew through!
I agree, the implications from the Google service options are unclear. If something is offered for free by a large multinational, there is always a catch because nothing is ever truly free.
I’m more interested in the start up companies who are exploring the AI space. The success of BookFunnel is an example of a startup solving a problem, and in their case it was how to deliver ebooks to devices without the hassle of needing tech knowledge to side load ebooks.
Can a voice be IP is an important question. There definitely should be transparency for consumers in terms of knowing if they’re buying a narrated product or an AI product. My understanding is that audiobook sellers are mostly focused on selling human narrated products and don’t allow AI audio products to be sold in their stores.
I can see a part 2 for this post down the track.