Sunrise Publishing is the latest initiative from bestselling and award-winning author Susan May Warren, partnering with Lindsay Harrel.
The two authors conducted a Facebook Live presentation on 30 September (well, 1 October New Zealand time) sharing the story behind the new collaboration, and announcing their submissions process.
Sunrise are currently open to submissions from US and international contemporary Christian romance authors.
Sunrise Publishing accepts submissions from unagented and unpublished authors, although previously published authors may also submit as a way of rebooting their career. The objective is to give new authors the opportunity to be published without having to work through an agent or have an existing author platform.
While Sunrise Publishing is a traditional royalty-paying publisher, their publishing model is more similar to the old Kindle Worlds than to the practices of most current traditional publishers. Books will be published in six-book branded series, with a new book published every two months. This model allows books to be launched to an existing audience, which will enable new authors to build their platform off the back of the world.
Susan May Warren Presents …
Each series will have a “Lead Author” who will choose three authors to create a series based on a “world” created by the Lead Author. The first Sunrise Publishing world will be Deep Haven, Minnesota, the scene of Susan May Warren’s six Deep Haven novels, and the spin-off six books in the Christiansen series. Susan May Warren will be the Lead Author, and will mentor the chosen authors.
Each participating author will create their own unique story within the Lead Author’s world.
Susan May Warren has some ideas for possible storylines, but the authors are also welcome to create their own story using a combination of new and existing characters. Novels will be edited by the Lead Author, Lindsay Harrell, and a team of editors. All novels will go through several rounds of editing, the same as at a larger traditional publisher.
Susan May Warren referred to this as a “James Patterson Method” of publishing.
James Patterson gives a plot summary of up to 80 pages to his co-writer or collaborator, they write the book, and he edits it. The Kindle Worlds model (also used by Melissa Storm at Sweet Promise Press) allowed authors to write in another author’s setting, but with little or no interaction from the “owner” of the world.
Sunrise Publishing will operate somewhere between the two: the Lead Author will be involved in crafting the plot and will mentor the authors (unlike in the Kindle Worlds model), but the Lead Author won’t dictate the plot (as James Patterson does).
Click here to find out more about the Deep Haven series.
What are Sunrise Publishing Looking For?
The Deep Haven series is contemporary Christian romance.
For this first round of submissions, Sunrise are looking for authors writing from a Christian world view and in a similar voice to Susan May Warren (i.e. similar enough that it will appeal to her readers).
The main concern is the ability to carry a story, which is why Sunrise want authors to have at least one completed manuscript (which does not have to be published, or even be publishable). Beyond that, it will be important for authors to have an understanding of Susan May Warren’s Story Equation method of plotting (particularly, the Wound, Lie, and Fear). They need to be teachable, willing to work hard, and meet deadlines.
Interested authors are asked to submit a premise based on a popular romance trope (click here to find the Sunrise list of tropes, or here or here for my more in-depth explanations of popular romance tropes).
Initial submissions are due on 10 November 2019.
Judging will be blind, and based solely on the premise and writing sample. The writing sample should be contemporary romance with a faith element, and as close to the existing Deep Haven voice as possible. Hints of suspense are okay, but the genre is contemporary romance not romantic suspense.
Sunrise will then select ten finalists, who will each have a telephone interview with Susan May Warren, and will be asked to submit another writing sample. The final three authors will be chosen (and contracts awarded) by 1 December.
More Details
Future series planned for 2021 and beyond include a general women’s fiction series with Rachel Hauck as the Lead Author, and a romantic suspense series (where the Lead Author is yet to be confirmed).
Sunrise is offering a traditional publishing contract.
There is no up-front advance, but Susan May Warren states royalties will be above industry level. Royalties will be split between Sunrise (the publisher), the Lead Author (as the owner of the rights to the series), and the individual author.
Books will be 60,000 words, and each author will be required to write and publish two books in the year-long series.
The contract will be for a fixed term. The term has yet to be decided, but seven years was mentioned during the presentation.
Books will be available in paperback and ebook form, and Sunrise may introduce audiobooks in time.
Sunrise Offers Free Mentoring
The three successful authors will be required to attend an in-person week-long retreat in Arizona from 12 to 17 January 2020. During this week, the successful authors will work with the Lead Author to plot all six books in the the series. There will also be a story bible, to answer any lingering questions about Deep Haven or the characters.
So, you ask, given this retreat is in Arizona and is paid for by Sunrise, are Sunrise Publishing open to submissions from international authors? I did ask. They haven’t budgeted for international airfares, but do welcome submissions from international authors. Susan says they’ll work something out regarding travel expenses for authors coming from further afield than Canada. Perhaps the author could pay their own fare to the US, or perhaps the international airfare could be taken out of future royalties.
All the Links
If you’d like to watch a replay of the Facebook live announcement, you can find it here: Facebook Live (Note: you may need to Like the page first.)
Here’s more information on the submissions process (and a link to the submissions page): Submissions.
Here are the Sunrise Writer’s Guidelines and other useful information: Writer Guidelines.
To find out about future calls for submissions, sign up for the Sunrise Publishing mailing list here: Mailing List.
Sounds fascinating!
It’s a great opportunity