I know. “History Can be Fun!” sounds like a lame kid’s show, but the older I get the more I realise this truth. History can be fun. I still remember a high school history teacher who sat at the desk and read the textbook aloud as the class struggled to keep their eyes open. Needless …
Tag Archives: Carolyn Miller
New Releases | April New Releases and Giveaway Winners
Today we have 5 new release this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were one of our winners for March Across the Shores by Angella K Crouch, Kelly J. Goshorn, Carolyn Miller, Cara Putman Publisher: Barbour (Date Released: 1 April 2023) Blurb: Sometimes love finds you where you are, and other …
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Writer’s Inspiration | Exploring the Past
A few weeks ago I was presented with the opportunity to take my daughter to the World Cross Country Championships in Bathurst, NSW. I might’ve grumbled at the time (my other daughter was returning from India that same day and I wanted to know All The Things!) but I went, because I realised this was …
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Wednesday Writing Wins from ACFW Beyond the Borders
The Beyond the Borders zone of American Christian Fiction Writers is the home of international Christian writers, and includes many Australian and New Zealand members. American Christian Fiction Writers is a writing organisation devoted to improving the craft of Christian Fiction. Members can benefit from: Online critique groups, writing training, and webinars. Discounted entry to the …
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Fiction Friday | Trying Something New
It gets a little easy sometimes to do the same old thing all the time, doesn’t it? Prepare spaghetti bolognaise once a week / fortnight? Check. (Hey, it’s simple to cook and the fam like it) Keep exercise to a daily walk-the-dog? Check. (At least I do that much!) Order the same thing at a …
New Releases | February New Releases and Giveaway Winner
Welcome to a February’s new releases. Today we have 4 new releases this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were one of our winners for January. Never Find Another You by Narelle Atkins (Release date | 21 February, 2021) Her heart belongs in Trinity Lakes. Hannah Gilbertson has deep roots in …
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New Releases | Decembers New Releases and Giveaway Winner
Welcome to a December’s new releases. Today we have 4 new releases this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were one of our winners for November. Core Values: Love by Rebekah Robinson and Anne Hamilton Publisher: Beckon Creative (released: 28 November 2022) Taste and see that the Lord is good! …
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What’s New from Omega Writers
Ever wanted to write for the US market? The USA is the biggest market for Christian fiction, and the home of well-known Christian publishers such as Bethany House, Tyndale, and Thomas Nelson. Carolyn Miller lead an excellent session on writing for the US market at the recent Omega Writers Conference. If you missed out, you …
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like…
Christmas. Yes, it’s now just over five weeks away. I haven’t bought many of my presents yet, so there’s a job for December. I did buy an emergency ‘turducken’ (one of those combo turkey / duck / chicken roasts) this week, just in case we need to have Christmas here again this year. (Last year, …
New Releases | November 2022 New Releases and Giveaway Winners
Welcome to a November’s new releases. Today we have 4 new releases this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were one of our winners for October. Muskoka Christmas by Carolyn Miller Self Published, (Date released: November 10, 2022) But Christmas is a time of second chances, family and faith. Maybe they’ll …
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