Hi, it’s Dienece Darling doing something new today! I’m adding devotional blogs to what I write with ACW. Pondering God’s Word is something close to my heart, and I hope you enjoy looking through the Bible with me. So, settle in, and let’s start our journey together to the foot of God’s throne. Have you …
Tag Archives: Devotional
Devotional | Faith during Troubled Times
Where are you, God? I find myself asking this question time and again as I watch in horror the cruelty humanity is capable of. The wars and unrest that appear rife across the globe are distressing to witness. Grief is pictured on every single face of the survivors, as they experience the destruction of their …
Devotional | Waiting For The Bus
Today on the blog we have a devotion from Karen Rees. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matt. 24:42 With a seemingly unstoppable worldwide pandemic, massive protest demonstrations in various countries, and the world’s economy on the verge of collapse, are these signs that Christ is …
Love in Action
Romans 12:9-21 This passage in Romans (New International Version) is marked as ‘Love in action’. What an intriguing idea. I’d like to pull out a few of the pieces of advice to focus on them in context of how we serve the Kingdom of God in our writing. V9. Love must be sincere … We …
Author Spotlight | Getting to know Deanna Nowadick
Today our author spotlight features Deanna Nowadick who talks about her latest release. A devotional I am happy to recommend. Rapid questions Long black or flat white? I’m a writer from the Seattle area of Washington state who starts EVERY day with an iced latte. I’d love to find myself in Australia one day ordering …
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Devotion: Using Your Wild Card Power for Good
My husband and I were invited to a church friend’s home to play games with his two other guests. After some discussion, we decided to play Uno®, a popular game we were all familiar with. One of the cards in the deck is a wild card. With it, the player has the power to do …
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A Non-anxious presence
A non-anxious presence. This little phrase stood out to me from amongst a load of inspiring information presented recently at an education conference. A non-anxious presence particularly in a world that seems to be plagued with anxiety, fear, shame, uncertainty, confusion. I pondered on this phrase, and other words that had rung bells from the …
Devotional | Gratefulness as a Way of Life
We cannot be grateful for all that a given moment brings us; yet, in any given moment, we can be grateful for something. The gift within the gift of any given moment is opportunity. – Brother David Steindl-Rast Have you ever thought of the difference between gratitude and gratefulness? The rhythmic cliché “an attitude of …
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Devotional | Hungry Ghosts and Neighbours
Today we are sharing a devotional from Karen Rees. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45 Do ghosts …
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Devotional | Forgive Ruthlessly
Psalm 103 verse 2 NIV Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits-verse 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Being cold, dark, damp and dated, it was time to update our main bathroom. The process of that renovation has taken a few curly turns. Firstly, we …