Where’s My Milk and Honey?

There is a strange sort of balance in the Christian life, and it’s not about how much honey should go in the milk. We are to cling to God’s promises, forever and always. But sometimes, we are not the patience, humble servants we should be. “Where’s my milk and honey?” we may very well demand. …

Devotional | Irritably Impatient, a devotion by Keona J Tann

As I write this it has been 1,765 days since my Call, it’s been 1,765 days of waiting, 1,765 days looking for things to change, 1,765 days of hoping that the right doors would open, 1,765 days praying that the opportunities would come AND that I could embrace them, that I would be well enough, …

Throwback Thursday – Promises, Anticipation, and Enjoyment

by Josephine-Anne Griffiths | @BooksTeaAndMe57 “Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best –” and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what …

#ThrowbackThursday – Mindfully ~ One at a Time

As moments turn into days, days to weeks, and weeks to months, I ask myself the same questions, ‘Who am I really? Am I just a fraud? Do I truly have a talent for writing, or should I just return to reading the wonderful writings of others?’. And then there are those critical questions I …