Looking to take the next step in your writing journey but not sure where to start?
The Omega Writers Conference is the premier event for Christian writers in Australia, gathering writers at all career stages for a weekend of learning, encouragement and collaboration in a relaxing environment.
More value than ever before!
The 2024 Omega Writers Conference features:
- Keynote talks by best-selling, award-winning US author, Susan May Warren. Susan is an author of over sixty-five novels, a writing teacher and publishing powerhouse.
- Ticket to the Caleb Award gala dinner
- Fiction/Non-fiction focussed craft workshops
- Sessions on writer health
- Agent, editor and mentor appointments
- Bookseller speed-dating
- Prayer support
- Networking opportunities and much more.
Plus a bonus workshop opportunity! Susan May Warren will offer an additional day-long romance fiction workshop only available to conference attendees. See the full program here.
What people say about the Omega Writers Conference
“I really love the in-person conference…it was my first Christian one where I found like-minded writers and…a hub appointment turned my attitude to my writing around.”
“It felt as though God had arranged everything and His presence was obvious. My favourite thing about conference is always the connection and encouragement I receive.”
“The conference is a celebration of the joy, quirks, challenges and privilege it is to write for the King of kings.”
Take the next step!
Join us at the Metro Mirage Hotel Newport this September and experience the creativity that happens in a room of Christian writers and let 2024 be the year you get clarity and direction for the next steps of your writing journey. Book now!