Omega Writers is excited to see the 2024 Omega Writers conference taking shape.
Held in Sydney from 20-22 September 2024, this opportunity to connect in person with so many Christian Writers from across the country only comes around once every two years!
It’s a great opportunity to hear author, publisher and teacher Susan May Warren talk about the joys, responsibility and craft of being a Christian writer. Susan May Warren is an in-demand speaker and teacher. You don’t want to miss your chance to be in the room for her talks.
The price of the conference is all-inclusive, which means accommodation, meals and teaching are all included in the price (Hub appointments are extra). But we have a day rego option that brings the price down for people who have local accommodation.
Sydneysiders take note! Our last conference was in Kingscliff and our next conference may very well be in another state so make the most of this opportunity by registering now. Day rego is a great option for Sydney locals who can enjoy the fun, fellowship and learning while staying in their own comfy beds.
This national conference, the only one drawing Christians from across the country, is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other creatives wanting to serve their Creator with excellence. It doesn’t matter where you are on the writing journey, the Omega conference will leave you inspired, equipped and spurred on along your writing journey.
Don’t miss out! Register now!
Caleb Award Update
Are you judging the 2024 Caleb Award? Don’t forget your score sheets are due back on 20 June.
Editors and how to find one!
Have you ever wondered about the different types of editing, but been too afraid to ask? This blog from editor Iola Goulton gives a clear explanation of the different types of editor a writer needs. You’ll be able to connect with editors of all types at our in-person conference as part of our hub.
The Hub offers 2024 Omega Writers Conference delegates the chance to book appointments with agents, publishers, editors and industry experts. You can discuss a work in progress, or to pitch a manuscript ready for submission to an agent. This is an invaluable opportunity for writers to gather feedback, suggestions, and guidance as well as to increase their understanding of the publishing process. Appointments are 30 minutes long and will either occur in person or online, depending on the location of the agent/publisher/expert.
Bookings for The Hub are now open. These appointments are only available to conference attendees. Appointments will be allocated on a first in first served basis and will be capped once the editor/publisher/expert’s booking limit has been reached. Actual appointment times will be confirmed closer to the time of conference. Some flexibility may be required to cater for time zone differences etc. Bookings close on 9 August.
Costs: $50 for members, $70 for non-members.
Hi Jen, Thanks for sharing Omega news. 🙂